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Questions on Management / Finance

Is travel within the UK (e.g. between Edinburgh and UoW) eligible?

Yes, if more than 100km.

How do we fund the evaluator (Patrick)? Can we not have an evaluator?

WMB and SBR think we should remove Patrick from the equation - he is expensive and it's not obvious how useful he will really be. Also he has volunteered to leave! Karl might be an appropriate substitute.

How can we support Andres and Carolina?

Must have a contract.

Is payment to (e.g.) Ashley (as a developer) a "subcontract"? What about tutors?

Must have a contract.

Can we pay for participants in learning activities who come from institutions other than our partners?

Multiplier events, yes. Draft proposal to IU.

Can funds be moved between categories (e.g. can a conference be part funded by TPM money)?

Yes, up to 20%, but not into Management or Exceptional Costs.

Can a TPM be moved to a venue in a different country to that originally proposed?

Very good reason required!

Where Cn and a TPM overlap, how should the travel funding be apportioned?

No double-counting, otherwise doesn't matter.

Can the contracts between UoW and partners allow for an up-front payment (pre-financing)?

This will be automatically triggered.

When will the Mobility Tool be accessible?


Can "dissemination" be included as part of a non-dissemination event?

Yes, but need to provide supporting documents.

Is the full €18,000 available to (e.g.) pay Lynn?

Check proposal, but essentially Yes.