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Meeting 17:00 on 24/10/2014


Mike Joy (MSJ), Steve Russ (SBR), Meurig Beynon (WMB), Peter Tomscanyi (PT), Dimitris Alimisis (DA), Rene Alimisis (RA), Soha Maad (SM), Erkki Sutinen (ES), Piet Kommers (PK), Hamish MacLeod (HM)


SciFest (ES)



Student teachers (RA)

Translation (PT / WMB)

Mobility and virtual mobility (HM)

Adult learners (RA)

Freudenthal Institute, and national organisations (PK)

Long term, further larger scale research project (PK)


Meeting 20:00 on 24/10/2014

WMB gave an overview of the project.

Sue Sentance (SS) gave a presentation to the meeting about CAS.

Meeting 09:30 on 25/10/2014

WMB commenced a discussion of strategic issues.

PK presented a personal view on the status of EM from a pedagogical viewpoint, and how this might relate to a future project.

DA expanded the discussion noting that the approach used by Papert might be useful.

Further contributions from PT, HM and ES reinforced the enthusiasm of the meeting for this research field. Various ideas were discussed relating specific activities and evaluations.

SBR highlighted the issue of accessibility being important, especially in the school context, and this was followed up by ES.

Karl King (KK) presented a business viewpoint of the relevance of the project, again with a focus on tool accessibility.

Meeting 11:30 on 25/10/2015

RA gave a presentation on dissemination.

Meeting 14:00 on 25/10/2015


Meeting 09:30 on 26/10/2015

MSJ to deal with Risk Management