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Placement Visit Report


This form should be filled by  the personal tutor (or assigned academic) after a visit to a student undergoing a placement as part of the Intercalated Year at DCS. The objective of the visit is to monitor the progress of the placement and ensure the student is receiving support and training as part of a programme of academic development.

The visit should include a meeting (normally thirty minutes to one hour long) with the student and if possible a meeting with at least one of the student's managers. The purpose of the visit is to learn about the student's placement and offer support and guidance to the student. This should contain recommendations to the student on how to maximise the benefit of the placement in the context of their degree course.


If any health and safety issues are raised during the visit, you need to record them clearly below, and inform the Intercalated Year Coordinator in the Department as soon as possible.


Placement details

Meeting with managers

Meeting with student

Privacy notice

This form will be used to manage evaluation of the success of the placement undertaken by a DCS student. Your participation at the visit will be recorded and associated with your name, but no other personally identifiable data will be stored. The student and the manager cited has the right under Data Protection to view this information.  Please see our Staff Privacy Notice or Student Privacy Notice for further information.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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