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Faith Hawthorn

I'm Faith (they/she), and I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Astronomy and Astrophysics group at the University of Warwick, working with Prof Peter WheatleyLink opens in a new window.

I completed my PhD at Warwick under the supervision of Dr Daniel BaylissLink opens in a new window (2020-2024), and my MPhys in the CAPS group at the University of Kent under the supervision of Prof Michael SmithLink opens in a new window (2015-2019).


I currently work as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and my work involves using new data from NASA's TESS missionLink opens in a new window and the NGTS arrayLink opens in a new window (Paranal Observatory, Chile) to search for transiting exoplanets. I also support the operations and maintenance of NGTS, including target scheduling, external program management and communications.

My previous work includes analysis and global statistical modelling of a new planetary candidate system, TOI-836, which hosts a super-Earth planet and sub-Neptune planet with significant transit timing variations (TTVs) from a wealth of ground and space-based photometric and spectroscopic radial velocity data. I have also published a second planet discovery and modelling paper on TOI-908, a TESS planet in the Neptune desert parameter space from the HARPS-NOMADS program (PI: Armstrong).

My most recent published work involves examining and modelling exoplanet candidates from the Southern ecliptic hemisphere of TESS observations, with a view to identifying long-period duotransiting planets. A fourth publication on statistical validation of a selection of solved-period duotransits with the TRICERATOPSLink opens in a new window program is forthcoming.

I was the first chair of the NGTS Early Career Researchers (ECR) group from September 2023 to March 2024, and in this role I assisted with the creation of the new Code of Conduct for the NGTS consortium, and set up a monthly code and paper surgery for early-career researchers to share any work-related issues with their peers in a supportive and safe environment. I was also responsible for reporting directly to board members for issues related to the experiences and interests of ECRs. I am currently a co-chair of the NGTS Communications group, and my work for this sub-group involves building and maintenance of the NGTS websiteLink opens in a new window and social media platforms.

I also have experience observing with ESO's HARPSLink opens in a new window spectrograph at La Silla Observatory, Chile, scheduling observations of stellar spectra for radial velocity data on behalf of fellow exoplanet researchers. In July 2023 I travelled to SAAOLink opens in a new window to undertake observations for a proposal on which I am Co-I, aiming to confirm the orbital periods of a selection of candidates from TESS using the 40"/1.0m telescope. I also have practical hardware and software experience gained from my Postdoctoral role in NGTS, and I travelled to ESO Paranal Observatory in September 2024 to undertake a variety of operations tasks on-site, including replacement and testing of both CCD and CMOS cameras and general site maintenance and documentation.

Hear me talk about my research on RAW 1251AMLink opens in a new window's Insight Science radio program here:

See me talk about my research in this promotional video for Research Culture at WarwickLink opens in a new window, in association with Bang The Drum Productions:

See me talk about my research in this videoLink opens in a new window on TikTok by the University of Warwick!

Read our press release on the 85 duotransit candidates hereLink opens in a new window! (24th January 2024)
Press coverage of our work has been highly successful, with media outlets including Sky News, The Independent, Daily Mail, Metro, MSN UK, The Times of India and over 120 regional publications picking up on the story. It was also featured on the radio on Capital X, Radio X, Greatest Hits Radio and 28 other stations.
Estimated reach: 250.7 million


First author

πŸͺ F. Hawthorn et al. 2023a - "TOI-836: A super-Earth and mini-Neptune transiting a nearby K-dwarf". MNRAS
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πŸͺ F. Hawthorn et al. 2023b - "TOI-908: a Neptune desert planet transiting a G-type star from TESS". MNRAS
NASA ADSLink opens in a new window

πŸͺ F. Hawthorn et al. 2024 - "Duotransit Candidates from the TESS Southern Ecliptic Hemisphere". MNRAS
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Press releaseLink opens in a new window

πŸͺ F. Hawthorn et al. - "Statistical validation of seven TESS duotransit exoplanet candidates". MNRAS


πŸŒ™ N. Grieves et al. 2022 - "An old warm Jupiter orbiting the metal poor G-dwarf TOI-5542".
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πŸŒ™ J. Lillo-Box et al. 2022 - "TOI-969: a late-K dwarf with a hot mini-Neptune in the desert and an eccentric cold Jupiter."
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πŸŒ™ D. G. Jackson et al. 2022 - "The discovery of three hot Jupiters, NGTS-23b, 24b, and 25b, and updated parameters for HATS-54b from the Next Generation Transit Survey".
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πŸŒ™ S. C. C. Barros et al. 2023 - "The young mini-Neptune HD 207496b that is either a naked core or on the verge of becoming one".
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πŸŒ™ H.M. Cegla et al. 2023 - "Exploring the stellar surface phenomena of WASP-52 and HAT-P-30 with ESPRESSO".
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πŸŒ™ L. Doyle et al. 2023 - "WASP-131 b with ESPRESSO I: A bloated sub-Saturn on a polar orbit around a differentially rotating solar-type star".
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πŸŒ™ G. Frame et al. 2023 - "TOI-2498 b: A hot bloated super-Neptune within the Neptune desert".
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πŸŒ™ L. Sha et al. 2023 - "TESS spots a mini-Neptune interior to a hot Saturn in the TOI-2000 system".
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πŸŒ™ D. J. Armstrong et al. 2023 - "Discovery and characterisation of two Neptune-mass planets orbiting HD 212729 with TESS".
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πŸŒ™ A. Osborn et al. 2023 - "TOI-332 b: a super dense Neptune found deep within the Neptunian desert".
NASA ADSLink opens in a new window

πŸŒ™ A. SuΓ‘rez MascareΓ±o et al. 2024 - "TESS and ESPRESSO discover a super-Earth and a mini-Neptune orbiting the K-dwarf TOI–238".
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πŸŒ™ T. Rodel et al. 2024 - "TIaRA TESS 1: Estimating exoplanet yields from Year 1 and Year 3 SPOC lightcurves".
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πŸŒ™ B. Henderson et al. 2024 - "NGTS-28Ab: a short period transiting brown dwarf".
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πŸŒ™ S. Gill et al. 2024 - "TOI-2447 / NGTS-29b: a 69-day Saturn around a Solar analogue".
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πŸŒ™ A. Leleu et al. 2024 - "Photo-dynamical characterisation of the TOI-178 resonant chain".
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πŸŒ™ D. R. Alves et al. 2024 - "NGTS-33b: A Young Super-Jupiter Hosted by a Fast Rotating Massive Hot Star".
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πŸŒ™ T. Rodel et al. 2025 - "NGTS-EB-7, an eccentric, long-period, low-mass eclipsing binary".
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Awarded observing proposals (Co-I)

β˜„οΈ PI: Dr Ares Osborn - "NGTS-HARPS Program: Short, Young, and Cool".
ESO HARPS (108.226H/P108) - 6 nights

β˜„οΈ PI: Dr Ares Osborn - "NGTS-HARPS Program: Exoplanets Transiting Young or Cool Hosts".
ESO HARPS (109.236Z/P109) - 6 nights

β˜„οΈ PI: Dr Samuel Gill - "Refining the transit parameters of long-period transiting planets".
SAAO 1.0m/40'' - 14 nights

Conferences and Presentations

Building Habitable Worlds University of Kent February 2019 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
Expanding Worldviews:
Astrobiology, Big History
Cosmic Perspectives
Birkbeck, University of
September 2019 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
IOP-SEPnet Women in Physics
IOP, SEPnet December 2020 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
LGBTQ+ STEMinar 2021 University of Oxford,
staff/student network
January 2021 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

UKRI STFC Introductory Course in
Astronomy for New Research

Armagh Observatory and
Planetarium, IOP
January 2021

πŸ’¬ Presented

[Slides]Link opens in a new window

UKEXOM 2021 University of Birmingham April 2021 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
Extreme Environments: From
Space to People
University of Exeter May 2021 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
ERES 2021 Princeton University May 2021 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
Astrobiology Introductory Course
(RED '21)
Société Française d'Exobiologie
June 2021 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
2021 Sagan Exoplanet Summer
Virtual Workshop
NExScI (NASA Exoplanet
Science Institute), California
Institute of Technology
July 2021 πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended
TESS Science Conference II
Massachusetts Institute of
August 2021

πŸ’¬ Presented

[Slides]Link opens in a new window

CHEOPS Science Workshop VI
ESA, University of Bern
January 2022

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

LGBTQ+ STEMinar 2022
University of Glasgow,
University of Strathclyde
January 2022

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

GPRV Workshop
University of Oxford
March 2022

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

EAS Annual Meeting Valencia 2022
European Astronomical Society
June 2022

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

National Astronomy Meeting 2022
University of Warwick
July 2022

πŸ“„ Presented
[PosterLink opens in a new window]

University of Edinburgh
September 2022

πŸ“„ Presented
[PosterLink opens in a new window]

Celebrating Research Culture 2022
University of Warwick
September 2022

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

LGBTQ+ STEM Day - Community &
Careers, Workshop & Celebration
Institute of Physics, Royal
Astronomical Society, Royal
Society of Chemistry, PRIDE in
November 2022

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

STEM, LGBTQ+ and You
oSTEM, University of Birmingham
February 2023

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended


NGTS Annual Consortium Meeting
NGTS, Queen's University Belfast
April 2023

πŸ’¬ Presented
[Slides 1Link opens in a new window]
[Slides 2Link opens in a new window]

Standing Up for Science
Sense About Science
May 2023

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Attended

Poster prize winner πŸ†
August 2023

πŸ’¬ πŸ“„Presented
[PosterLink opens in a new window] πŸ†
[SlidesLink opens in a new window]

NGTS Annual Consortium Meeting
NGTS, University of Geneva
September 2023

πŸ’¬ Presented


For the first 2.5 years of my PhD, I worked as a Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant for the first year undergraduate Mathematics module, PX149. My responsibilities included marking and grading weekly assignments and delivering two seminar classes per week.

I also worked independently as a private tutor from October 2019 to June 2021, teaching Mathematics and Physics to GCSE and A-Level, working with students across a wide range of abilities, ages and academic backgrounds.

Outreach and Other Interests

🀝 I was a student committee member for the monthly EquiteaLink opens in a new window meeting from its inception until January 2023. Equitea is a forum designed to discuss topics related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) in relation to Astronomy, Physics and STEM. In October 2021, I coordinated a fundraising month in aid of OCD-UKLink opens in a new window, which raised £530 in total for the charity. I have also taken the university's Active Bystander Intervention CourseLink opens in a new window, and Flip the Script with EAAALink opens in a new window.

🌞 As part of the university's hosting of the National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) 2022Link opens in a new window, I assisted in outreach activities with SUN@NAM, inviting local schoolchildren to be part of the conference and running a mixture of scientific and artistic activities to do with the Sun and the installation in Butterworth Hall.

πŸ“½οΈ In March 2023, I was a member of the representative team of the Astronomy & Astrophysics Group at the Slice of ScienceLink opens in a new window event as part of the Resonate Festival, at which we ran shows with our planetarium, and demonstrated simple astrophysical concepts to young school children and their families. I was also part of the exhibitor team representing the Astronomy group at the Big Bang FairLink opens in a new window in July 2023, and in November 2023 I gave a talk on 'Exoplanets and Science Fiction' for the Astronomy On Tap seminar series, and designed the event logo. I have also given multiple public tours of the Marsh Observatory on the Warwick campus.

🌍 During the second year of my PhD studies, the Astronomy & Astrophysics Group welcomed a group of international students from under-represented communities to the department to take part in the WAKELink opens in a new window programme. I was involved in organising, coordinating and running the Exoplanets group components of the programme, which included writing tutorial notebooks on exoplanet data processing, visualisation and modelling; an informal lunch session with the exoplanets group members; and a wider-interest workshop on science fiction. I was also a regular point of contact for WAKE attendees with regards to general organisation and assistance with code troubleshooting.

πŸ™‡‍♀️ I am also on the Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the Centre for Exoplanets and HabitabilityLink opens in a new window here at Warwick, and I have also been a student ambassador for the wider Physics department, assisting with open days for prospective students. I was the organiser of the Exoplanets group meetings at Warwick from September 2021 to September 2022.

πŸ“œ In March 2024 I was awarded the full Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science (PGCTSS)Link opens in a new window, following the completion of six modules in addition to my regular PhD work.

πŸ’¨ I took and passed the course 'Physics of Planetary Atmospheres'Link opens in a new window, run by Uppsala University, Sweden, in March 2024 - this course included project work using the ROCKE-3DLink opens in a new window GCM framework from NASA GISS.

πŸ”¬ I have also assisted in the mentorship and supervision of three Masters by Research (MSc) students, and one summer student (URSS). I also jointly supervised a second URSS student in August 2023 (with Dr Samuel Gill), in which our undergraduate student Mohammed Sultan created a schedule for observations of Northern hemisphere duotransiting exoplanets for use at the Marsh Observatory on campus - the final project report can be seen hereLink opens in a new window. I am currently co-supervising another URSS student, Pedrum Abolghasem-Shirazi, on a project related to recalibrations of worm gear-induced centroid movement at the Marsh Observatory.

πŸ”­ During my undergraduate study I was the treasurer of the University of Kent Space SocietyLink opens in a new window, with my responsibilities being managing society budgets and accounts, and processing a development fund from Kent Union to install wireless internet at the telescope dome. We also hosted an event in May 2016 for the Mercury transit, inviting local college students and astronomy enthusiasts to safely observe the transit using our 12-inch telescope.

✈️ I was also a member of the Air Training Corps (ATC) based at 2427 Biggin Hill SquadronLink opens in a new window from 2011-2015, where I attained the rank of Cadet Corporal, and was an active member of the Squadron Marching Band playing Bell Lyre.

🎸 In addition to my lifelong interest in science and astronomy, I am also a musician, having played cello and piano for 18 years in over 15 different musical groups, orchestras, pit bands and choirs. I have also played bass guitar for 4 years, self-taught, playing mostly gothic and black metal - I currently play bass for the Coventry-based band SermonLink opens in a new window.

Resources and Presentations

OCD-UK Fundraising
October 2021

πŸ’¬ [SlidesLink opens in a new window]

How to be an Active Bystander
March 2022

πŸ’¬ [SlidesLink opens in a new window]

Exoplanets in the 2020s
(Invited talk)
Colloquium seriesLink opens in a new window, Jodrell Bank Centre
for Astrophysics, University of
April 2023

πŸ’¬ [SlidesLink opens in a new window]

How to be an Active Bystander
(Invited talk)
EquiTea series, Jodrell Bank Centre
for Astrophysics, University of
April 2023

πŸ’¬ [SlidesLink opens in a new window]

Creativity in the sciences: Exoplanets
(Invited talk)
May 2023

πŸ’¬ [SlidesLink opens in a new window]

Dealing with Exam Stress
(Invited talk)
University of Warwick Astronomy
May 2023

πŸ’¬ [SlidesLink opens in a new window]

Exoplanets and Science Fiction
Astronomy On Tap, University of Warwick
November 2023

πŸ’¬ [SlidesLink opens in a new window]

Primary collaborators

Internal External

Prof Peter WheatleyLink opens in a new window - Postdoctoral supervisor

Dr Daniel BaylissLink opens in a new window - PhD supervisor, collaborator

Dr Samuel GillLink opens in a new window - collaborator

Dr David ArmstrongLink opens in a new window - collaborator

Jorge FernΓ‘ndez-FernΓ‘ndezLink opens in a new window - PhD student

Dr Hugh OsbornLink opens in a new window - MIT, University of Bern

Dr Solène Ulmer-MollLink opens in a new window - University of Geneva

Dr SΓ©rgio SousaLink opens in a new window - University of Porto

Dr Vardan AdibekyanLink opens in a new window - University of Porto

Prof Yann AlibertLink opens in a new window - University of Bern

Dr Matthew BurleighLink opens in a new window - University of Leicester

Dr Ares Osborn - McMaster University

Toby RodelLink opens in a new window - PhD student, Queen's University Belfast

Write to:

Dr Faith Hawthorn,
Department of Physics,
University of Warwick,
Coventry CV4 7AL

Contact details:



Millburn House


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