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The Warwick Prize Scholarships & Fellowships in astrophysics

We are excited to announce the Warwick prize scholarships and fellowships in astrophysics. Made possible thanks to a generous philanthropic donation from a Warwick alumnus, these awards enable us to support a pipeline of talent from postgraduate study up to early career researchers.

The scheme has two components, scholarships that fully fund a 4 year PhD degree and post-doctoral fellowships aimed at early-career researchers.

The first cohort of prize winners started in the academic year 22/23, with the scheme looking to support several scholarships and fellowships each year. See the right column for a list of scholars and fellows.

Post-doctoral Prize Fellowships

Open for applications - Deadline 15th July 2024

Please visit the University of Warwick Job advertisement for full information on how to complete an application.

The fellowships are aimed at researchers that have recently (<5 years at the point of application) obtained their PhD. We plan to award 2-3 fellowships each year for an initial duration of 3 years. For those who have demonstrated their excellence as independent early career scientists during their initial term, we plan to offer the possibility to apply for a further 2 years of funding.

Successful applicants will establish their own independent research program that links with one or several of the research interests of the group. Key research areas at Warwick are exoplanets and discs, white dwarfs, compact binaries and accretion physics, extragalactic transients, gravitational wave astrophysics, stellar populations and space domain awareness. The fellows have access to funding for travel and IT equipment, as well as high performance computing. 

Applications are via the University of Warwick's careers portal, and an application form must be completed before the closing date of each cycle. Applicants should also submit a CV including a full publication list, a research proposal (maximum three pages), and an ED&I statement (max 1/2 page) detailing how you will contribute to the group's commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

The research proposal should be written in an anonymous style to allow for blind reviewing, focusing on the science. You should specifically address how your proposed research links to the interests of the Astronomy & Astrophysics Group. You will be asked to give names of three references.


Post-graduate Prize Scholarships

24/25 cycle concluded, next closing date January 2025

We expect to be recruiting around 3 scholars each round. These scholarships cover all fees and offer 4 years of stipend as well as access to research funds to cover travel, laptop and consumables. The scholarships are available to both national and international candidates.

Information regarding how to apply for PhD positions with us can be found on our top-level page, and the same application process is required regardless of funding source. We are looking for excellent scholars that are keen to work with us on a variety of research areas and projects. You can find out more about the research we do here, and representative PhD projects can be found here. If you have questions regarding specific projects, please contact the lead academics associated with them.

Current and past Prize holders

Post-doctoral Fellows  

Mark Magee


Ingrid Pelisoli (now Royal Society URF holder)


Jakob van den Eijnden

Tim Pearce 23/24
Mark Hollands 23/24
Oscar Barragan 23/24

PhD Scholars


Marcelo Fetzner-Keniger


Ginger Frame


Rafael Martinez


Phineas Allen


Anwesha Sahu


Ankur Upadhyaya
