Dept News
Machine learning of phases and structures for model systems in physics
In an invited review, Warwick PG and UG students Bayo and Webb, together with their EUTOPIA colleagues Çivitcioğlu and Honecker as well as Warwick academic Römer, summarize recent progress in applications of deep learning methods to phase and structure determination for model systems in physics. This is part of a special topic issue on "machine learning physics" by the Japanese Physical Society.
UK’s first 1.2 GHZ NMR spectrometer
We are pleased to provide an update on the progress of the installation of the UK’s first 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer.
Physics Society celebrate 10 year anniversary
Wednesday 8th January marked the 10th anniversary of the Warwick Physics Society weekly event, PhysCafé, an event which aims to display to students some of the many options open to them once they have graduated with their Physics degree. The event has seen many different speakers, from patent lawyers to authors, company founders to bankers, and, of course, Warwick’s very own research staff.
Work Experience applications open
If you are a student in Years 10-12 with an interest in Physics, you can apply for our annual 4-day work experience. Our 2025 scheme will take place from Monday 14th April to Thursday 17th April and will provide students with a broad insight into physics and what it would be like to work in a busy university physics department.
Deadline for applications is Wednesday 26th February, 4pm.