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Microeconomic Theory

Microeconomic Theory

The Department of Economics at the University of Warwick has an active Microeconomic Theory Research Group, with a weekly external seminar, a weekly internal workshop, and high quality PhD students. We also organise international conferences on campus, or in Venice.

Our activities

CRETA Seminars in Economic Theory

Wednesday: 4-5.30pm
Since its creation in 2006, CRETA has run a seminar series with external and internal talks on economic theory and applications. For a detailed scheduled of speakers please follow the link below:

Organisers: Daniele Condorelli and Costas Cavounidis

Micro Theory Work in Progress (MIWP) Workshop

Thursday: 1-2pm
For faculty and PhD students at Warwick and other top-level academic institutions across the world. For a detailed scheduled of speakers please follow the link below.

Organiser: Agustin Troccoli-Moretti



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CRETA Seminar - Florian Brandl (Bonn)

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Location: S2.79

Title: The Social Learning Barrier

Abstract: We consider long-lived agents who interact repeatedly in a social network. In each period, each agent learns about an unknown state by observing a private signal and her neighbors’ actions in the previous period before taking an action herself. Our main result shows that the learning rate of the slowest learning agent is bounded independently of the network size and structure and the agents’ strategies. This extends recent findings on equilibrium learning by demonstrating that the limitation stems from an inherent tradeoff between optimal action choices and information revelation, rather than strategic considerations. We complement this result by showing that a social planner can design strategies for which each agent learns faster than an isolated individual, provided the network is sufficiently large and strongly connected.


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