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Cascot: Computer Assisted Structured COding Tool

Home  Details Online version Further Information  Purchase  Cascot International

There are two versions of CASCOT available. The first of these is termed Cascot-desktop version. This is available to purchase and is provided in versions suitable for Mac and PC. Those purchasing do not need to specify which operating system they will be using, this choice can be made at the time of downloading the software to a desktop or laptop computer. The desktop version is sold with a licence which allows purchasers to use multiple copies within their organisation. Details of the cost and purchasing procedures can be found by clicking on the purchasing tab above.

A web version of CASCOT is also available. This allows users to explore the capability of this software. It employs the same powerful coding engine as the desktop version. It is limited in terms of its ability to code data from large files and to write the results to files. Those wishing to explore the web version should click on the link below for the particular classification required for coding purposes:

Extended SOC2020


