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Women's Career Development Throughout the Lifespan An international exploration

bimrose_et_al_2015_bookcover.pngA new book on women's career development edited by Jenny Bimrose (IER University of Warwick), Mary McMahon (University of Queensland) and Mark Watson (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) is now available.

This multidisciplinary volume pulls together contributions from sociology, management, industrial, organisational and vocational psychology, geography and career guidance. International perspectives from nine countries also provide compelling narratives about the patterns of women’s career development continuing to reflect structural labour market disadvantage. Published on 18 January 2015, the book features chapters from members of IER staff (Professor Jenny Bimrose, Professor Anne Green, Professor Chris Warhurst) and IER Associate Fellows (Professor Nancy Arthur, Dr Simone Haasler, Dr Ying Kuang, Dr Mary McMahon, Professor Philip Taylor, Dr Pamela Suzanne, Massimo Tomassini, Professor Mark Watson).

Reports from Talent Match National Evaluation

Researchers at IER are involved with colleagues at the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) in the medium-term National Evaluation of the Talent Match Initiative. Talent Match is funded by the Big Lottery and is concerned with investing resources in a number of local areas in England where youth unemployment is a significant issue. The aims of the evaluation are to track the success of the initiative and projects within it - to identify what works well, for whom and in what circumstances; and to share learning and improve practice.

Duncan Adam, Gaby Atfield and Anne Green contributed to the first year Annual Report (click here for a Summary). Gaby Atfield contributed to a special report on the Involvement of Young People in the design and implementation of Talent Match, while Anne Green co-authored a theme report on Partnership Working.

Free seminar: The State of Play - Employers, schools and the delivery of careers advice

This seminar, to be held on 28 November in London, will outline key findings from a mixed methods research study undertaken by a consortium of experts on the link between employers, schools and the National Careers Service, led by Warwick Institute for Employment (IER) on behalf of the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills.

Professor Jenny Bimrose and Dr Deirdre Hughes will present findings from the research that illustrates how employers are working and linking with schools/colleges in a variety of ways that bring significant benefit. They will share the outcomes from a systematic literature review, a survey of over 300 companies, data analysed from 78 schools and 20 colleges, including in-depth interviews and case-studies, 8 Prime Contractors from the National Careers Service and 23 interviews with senior leaders from education, business and the career development profession. The seminar will reflect on key findings and consider future options for the triangulation of education, employer and careers service working links. Findings indicate that a new paradigm shift is taking place, with the critical question for all of the actors involved being: ‘where next?’.

The seminar is free to attend but places are limited and must be booked in advance. To book a place please visit the Education and Employers Taskforce website.

Thu 30 Oct 2014, 17:20 | Tags: Expertise, Research, careers, young people

IER July Newsletter now available

The latest news, publications and events from the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick can be viewed in our monthly e-newsletter - July issue now available here.

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