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Journal Special Issue on Decent Work, Inclusion and Sustainability

Along with IER Associate Fellow Dr Deidre Hughes OBE and Professor Maria Eduarda Duarte of the University of Lisbon, IER’s Chris Warhurst has guest edited a special issue of the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling (Vol. 49) on Decent Work, Inclusion and Sustainability. Just published, the special issue examines the implications for career guidance and working life transitions in the context of rising inequalities and inclusion deficits in labour markets internationally.

Together with Deirdre Hughes, Emma Benger and Mandy Ifans, Chris Warhurst also co-authored an article in this special issue on Building better futures: decent work, inclusion and careers support services in the UK.

Sun 20 Jun 2021, 18:28 | Tags: careers guidance, decent work

Joanna Octavia awarded third place at the 2021 CERIC Doctoral Conference

IER Doctoral Researcher Joanna Octavia was awarded third place at the 2021 CERIC Doctoral Conference at the Leeds University Business School on Friday, 21 May 2021. Joanna presented the preliminary findings of her PhD fieldwork, which focuses on the internet organising and mobilising efforts on platform-based motorcycle taxi drivers in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Held at Leeds' Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change (CERIC), the theme for this year's doctoral conference was 'The Future of Work in a Post-Covid World'. A total of 28 papers presented at the conference covered a broad spectrum of disciplines related to: the impact of digitalisation on work and employment; inequalities in race, gender, class, (dis)ability in a post-Covid world; and the role of human resources management in a changing environment.

Tue 01 Jun 2021, 08:56 | Tags: Covid-19, future of work

Webinar on decent work, inclusion and sustainability

IER Director Chris Warhurst will be speaking at a webinar on Decent Work, Inclusion and Sustainability, organised by Dr Deirdre Hughes, OBE, Director DMH Associates. For more information on the webinar, held on Thursday, 28th May, 14.00 – 15.00 hours, and registration details read here.


Thu 27 May 2021, 12:28 | Tags: job quality

COVID-19 and Working Lives in the UK: Inequalities of Gender and Class

A webinar is being held on June 18th to showcase the findings of three new research projects.

In the first of these projects, Clare Lyonette from IER has been working with Professor Tracey Warren at the University of Nottingham and the Women's Budget Group to examine the specific impact of Covid-19 on working class women, funded by the ESRC.

As well as presentations from the three projects, the webinar will host a panel of academic and policy-focused discussants, including Mandu Reid from the Women's Equality Party and Nikki Pound from the TUC.

For more details about the event and registration read here.

Tue 18 May 2021, 10:32 | Tags: Covid-19, women, work

Building Back Better? Creative Freelancers and Learning from the Covid-19 Experience Throughout the pandemic

IER and Coventry University undertook research into the contribution of creative freelancers to the economic and place-based impacts of the creative industries. The aim of the research was to develop new understandings of the role, contribution and challenges of creative freelance work – examining the experiences and different business models of creative freelancers. With the onset of the pandemic, the research also focused on the impact of COVID-19 on the work and lives of creative freelancers.

The findings from the research have been presented in a discussion paper published by Nesta's Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC). The discussion paper identifies how creative freelancers generate value in their immediate place and places, and presents different types of creative business models, encapsulating the diverse experiences of freelancers and their contribution to economy and society. It also identifies the policy implications of the analysis. The discussion paper is available here.

Tue 18 May 2021, 10:18 | Tags: Covid-19

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