IER News & blogs
Event: Trends in the development of Public Employment Service Delivery Models
On 23rd January 2024 Eamonn Davern made a presentation in IER entitled 'Trends in the development of Public Employment Service Delivery Models'.
Study tour of careers centre managers from Egyptian universities
IER was formally invited by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to organise, facilitate and escort a delegation of Careers Centre Managers from Egyptian universities as part of a formal Study Tour in England.
Futures of Green Skills and Jobs
The transition towards greener and more sustainable economies will have a significant impact on the EU labour market and skill needs will change. In order to understand the potential future outcomes, and anticipate their potential policy implications, a foresight Deep Dive has been carried out.
Public procurement and labour market inequality - a multi-faceted relationship
Over the past decades, public procurement has gained importance as a policy tool, also in the context of labour market and employment policies. Among others, public procurement is used as a lever to shape wages and working conditions, foster equality, and create jobs and training opportunities.
Promoting decent work through public procurement in cleaning and private security services - country report Denmark
Buying decent work has attracted increased political and academic attention in Denmark, where especially trade unions and centre-left political parties have pushed the agenda for applying labour clauses in public procurement as well as ensure their enforcement. All Danish regional authorities and nine out of ten Danish municipalities apply labour clauses in some of their publicly procured work.