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IER Newsletter - November 2018

IER Newsletter - November 2018

Fulfilling Work in Ireland roundtable

IER's Director, Chris WarhurstLink opens in a new window was invited to talk about European perspectives on measuring and promoting good work at the 'Fulfilling Work in Ireland' roundtable hosted by the Think-tank for Action on Social Change (TASCLink opens in a new window) and the Carnegie UK TrustLink opens in a new window in Dublin on 23rd November, 2018. (Image credit: Carnegie UK Trust)

Conference keynote in New Zealand

Jenny BimroseLink opens in a new window was invited to give the keynote presentationLink opens in a new window at the Career Development Association of New Zealand (CDNZ) annual conference and symposium, in Wellington, New Zealand on 23rd October, 2018. The presentation was entitled: Socially just practice: Making sense and moving forward. The conference, which was entitled: 'Social Justice', was held in partnership with Victoria University of Wellington and the Tertiary Education Commission, 23 - 24 October, 2018.

Conservative Party Conference - Warwick IER fringe event

Gail Irvine of the Carnegie UK Trust and Paul Novak of the TUC debated good jobs at the Warwick IER fringe event at the annual Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham on 1st October, 2018.

Invited presentation to the Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand

Jenny BimroseLink opens in a new window and Alan BrownLink opens in a new window were invited to make presentations to the Tertiary Education CommissionLink opens in a new window of New Zealand (TEC) at their offices in Wellington on 25th October, 2018. This organisation describes itself as a nexus linking learning and work. They were interested in hearing about:
  • How TEC can best serve labour market needs through good investment in training and education
  • The alignment of good information and good career decision making
  • Ways of informing and educating learners and their families over a lifetime
  • Balancing the employment and socio economic investment strategies in a way that will address skills mismatches and workforce needs.
(Image credit: Lego grad studentLink opens in a new window)

New journal article on graduate internships

IER's Dr Wil HuntLink opens in a new window has recently published an article on graduate internships in Studies in Higher Education. Co-authored with Dr Peter Scott at the University of Portsmouth, the article examines the incidence of paid and unpaid internships at six months after graduation using data from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey (DLHE). The research finds that while perhaps not as ubiquitous as some might think at this early stage of graduates’ careers, graduate internships are a significant part of the graduate labour market and are particularly common in some industries and occupations.

Hunt, W. & Scott, P. (2018). Paid and unpaid graduate internships: prevalence, quality and motivations at six months after graduation. Studies in Higher Education, [online]

Other publications

Sarkar, S. (2018) Employment Change in Occupations in Urban India: Implications for Wage Inequality, Development and Change [online first], available at: