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Professor Trine Larsen

Research interests

Main research interests: Comparative employment and industrial relations, including social dialogue at EU and workplace level, Non-standard work and labour market segmentation, European work/life balance policies, digitalisation and public procurement practices.

Academic Profile

Trine Pernille Larsen joined IER as a Professor in October 2023. Before joining IER, Trine was an Associate Professor at the Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. Trine has worked and taught at different Universities (University of Kent, UK; Sorbonne University, UAE; University of Salahaddin, Iraq; University of Copenhagen and CBS, Denmark). She is currently a board member on different international and Danish academic networks (WPLMS, VELNET, Danish ECSA association).

Trine has specialised in comparative employment and industrial relations, European labour market and family policies as well as non-standard work, including their implications for individuals’ working lives. Recently, examined the digitalisation of work as well as public procurement practices, including their implications for management-employee relations, working conditions at the workplace and individual's working lives. She is particularly interested in the processes of regulatory changes as well as outcomes. She has collaborated with leading scholars within her research fields and has authored more than 50 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters, along with more than 40 peer reviewed conference papers and more than 40 pieces of commissioned work.

Her research has been disseminated in different public fora, involving 50+ invited talks for professionals, decision-makers and the general public in Denmark, at EU-level and abroad. She has also frequently taken part in the public debate with her research being disseminated via 100+ TV, Radio and newspaper attendances. Her research has also fed into social partners and the Danish government strategies and policy developments, has extensive experience with engaging with stakeholders, taking account of their interests and agenda in her own work.

Trine holds a Ph.D. from the School of Social Policy, Social Research and Sociology, University of Kent, UK, in 2008 defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled: Working Carers and the Welfare State- effects and Influences of European Work/Care Policies. She also holds an MA in international relations and European Studies (University of Kent, UK) and an MA in Public Administration (Aalborg University, Denmark).

Current Projects

  • TR-project (2023-2025): Danish workplace representatives and their day-to-day realities - large scale quantitative project, funded by the Danish Trade Union Confederation.
  • New challenges for occupational safety and health in times of the digital transformation in Europe: the role of digital labour platforms, with Chris Warhurst, Jamelia Harris, Beate Baldauf and Stef Poole, Funded by CHANSE; Project duration: November 2022 - October 2025
  • Velux project (-2024): digital labour platforms at work – integration and segmentation in hybrid labour markets – quantitative project, funded by Velux foundation
  • InCoding (-2024): Algorithmic management and employee involvement – comparative EU funded project,
  • Procurfair (-2023): Public procurement practices and decent work, comparative EU-funded project
  • TransEuroworks (-2025): European Work and Social Protection – Comparative mixed methods project, 7 WPs – co-lead WP: “New forms of work & social dialogue”, funding EU-horizon programme.

All projects

Selected publications

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All conference presentations


PhD students completed a doctoral degree under my co-supervision

  • Jens Arnholtz (year of completion: 2014)
  • Christina J Colclough (year of completion: 2015)
  • Main supervisor for Jonas Hulgaard Kristiansen (Expected to complete 2024)
  • Co-supervisor for Christian Haldrup (Expected to complete 2024)
  • Supervised Beatrice Biaconi, while on her PhD research stay at FAOS, the University of Copenhagen (2021-2022).
  • Supervised Thomas Prosser, while on his PhD research stay at FAOS, the University of Copenhagen, 2006-2007.

Professional memberships

2023-: Member of the international network of institutes and research centres in the areas of work, employment and equalities, led by Professor Jill Rubery, University of Manchester, UK.

2022-: Member of the Committee on International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (WPLMS).

2021-: Member of Board of Directors for the Danish national network for welfare studies (VELNET).

2019-: Member of Board of Directors for Dansk Selskab for Europaforskning (The Danish ECSA association).



Trine Larsen


Institute for Employment Research
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

Tel: (+44) (0) 24 76 5 23514