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IER Publications 1999

Refereed journals

  • Brown, A.J., Moerkamp, T. and Voncken, E. (1999). Facilitating progression to higher education from vocational paths. European Journal of Education, 34(2), pp. 219-235.
  • Carlisle, C., Davies, C., Luker, K., Stilwell, J. and Wilson, R.A. (1999). Skills competency in nurse education: nurse managers' perceptions of diploma level preparation. Journal of Advanced Nursing 29(5), pp. 1256-1264.
  • Green, A.E, Hogarth, T. and Shackleton, R.E. (1999). Longer distance commuting as a substitute for migration in Britain: A review of trends, issues and implications. International Journal of Population Geography, 5(1), pp. 49-67.
  • Green, A.E. (1999). Employment opportunities and constraints facing in-migrants to rural areas in England. Geography, 84(1), pp. 34-44.
  • Green, A.E. (1999). Insights into unemployment and non-employment in Europe using alternative measures. Regional Studies 33(5), pp.453-464.
  • Lindley, R.M. (1999). Population ageing and the labour market in Europe. Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica, LIII(1), p. 167-192.


  • Attwell, G. and Brown, A. (1999). Cross-cutting themes in the education of vocational education and training professionals in Europe. In: van Wieringen, F. and Attwell, G., eds, Vocational and Adult Education in Europe. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp.161-174. ISBN 0-7923-5975-5
  • Brown, A.J. (1999). Going Dutch? Changing the focus from core skills to core problems in vocational higher education. In: Dunne, E., ed. The Learning Society: International Perspectives on Core Skills in Higher Education. London: Kogan Page, pp. 75-84. ISBN 0-7494-2895-3
  • Green, A.E. (1999). Soziokonomischer und sozialgeogrphischer überlick. In: Kastendiek, H., Rohe, K. and Volle, A., eds. Grossbritannien: Geschichte – Politik – Wirtschaft – Gesellschaft. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp.89-115. ISBN 3-593-36193-0
  • Green, A.E. (1999). The Midlands. In: Breheny, M., ed. The People: Where Will They Work?. London: Town and Country Planning Association, pp.65-87. ISBN 0-902797-23-9
  • Green, A.E., Hardill, I. and Munn, S. (1999). The employment consequences of migration: gender differentials. In: Boyle, P. and Halfacree, K., eds. Migration and Gender in the Developed World. London: Routledge, pp.73-85. ISBN 0‑415‑17144-X
  • Hardill, E., Dudleston, A.C., Green, A.E. and Owen, D.W. (1999). Decision-making in dual career households. In: Bowlby, S., Gregory, S. and McKie, L., eds. Gender, Power and the Household. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp.192-206. ISBN 0-333-69573-9
  • Hasluck C. (1999). The recruitment of young people in London. In: Capital Recruitment: Recruitment and Skills in London. London: London Skills Forecasting Unit, pp.28-40.
  • Lindley, R.M. (1999). Knowledge, work and learning. In: International Hearing for the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union. Action Line: Employment, Economic Reforms and Social Cohesion – For a Europe of Innovation and Knowledge. Lisbon: Gabinete do Primeiro Ministro, pp.28-30.


  • Green, A.E., Hogarth, T. and Shackleton, R.E. (1999). Long Distance Living: Dual Location Households. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 1‑86134‑170‑9
  • Purcell, K., T. Hogarth and C. Simm (1999). Whose Flexibility? The Costs and Benefits of 'Non-Standard' Working Arrangements and Contractual Relations. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. ISBN 1-90263-337-7

Contribution to edited books

  • Whiteside, N. (1999). 'L’organisation du travail et le développement du syndicalisme dans les ports britanniques'. In Guillon & Mencherini (Eds.), Dockers, de la Méditerranée a la Mer du Nord (pp. 63-75). UMR, TELEMME.
  • Whiteside, N. (1999). 'Towards a "modern" labour market?'. In B. Conekin, F. Mort, & C. Waters (Eds.), Moments of Modernity? Reconstructing Britain, 1945-64 (pp. 76-96). Rivers Oram Press.
  • Whiteside, N. (1999). 'Private provision and public welfare'. In D. Gladstone (Ed.), Before Beveridge: Welfare before the Welfare State (pp. 26-43). IEA.
  • Whiteside, N. (1999). 'La Charte de la Mutualité et la loi de 1911 en Grande Bretagne'. In M. Dreyfus, B. Gibaud, & A. Gueslin (Eds.), Démocratie, Solidarité et Mutualité: autour de la loi de 1898 (pp. 208-220). Editions Economica.


Working papers

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