IER Publications 2001
Refereed journals
- Brown, A.J. (2001). Paradise Lost and Paradise Postponed: Vocational Education and Training Policy in Germany and England. Work, Employment and Society, 15(2), pp. 403-9.
- Canny, A. (2001). Flexible labour: the growth of student employment in the UK. Journal of Education and Work, 15 (3), pp. 271-301.
- Canny, A. (2001). Researching the transition from school to work: A comparative perspective. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 23(3), pp. 363-372.
- Canny, A. (2001). The transition from school to work: An Irish and English comparison. Journal of Youth Studies, 4(2), pp. 133-154.
- Canny, A., Green, A.E. and Maguire, M. (2001). Keeping track of vulnerable young people: A policy agenda. Youth and Policy, 72, pp.16-35.
- Elias, P. and McKnight, A. (2001). Skill measurement in official statistics: recent developments in the UK and the rest of Europe. Oxford Economic Papers, 53(3), pp. 508-540.
- Green A.E. (2001). Unemployment, non-employment, and labour-market disadvantage. Environment and Planning A, 33, pp. 1361-1364.
- Green, A.E., Owen, D.W. and Wilson, R. (2001). Regional Differences in Labour Market Participation of Young People in the European Union. European Urban and Regional Studies 8(4), pp. 297-318.
- Hasluck, C. (2001). Lessons from the New Deal: Finding work, promoting employability. New Economy, 8(4), pp. 230-234.
Lindley, R.M. (2001). Labour shortages and the dynamic efficiency of the UK economy. European Employment Observatory Review, Spring, pp. 134-142.
- Lindley, R.M. (2001). Forza lavoro potenziale e invecchiamentodella popolazione. Flessibilita' e Lavoro in Eta' Ananzata: Quaderni di Economia del Lavoro. 70, pp. 73-81.
- Brown, A.J. (2001). Reflections on the processes of becoming skilled in England, Germany and the Netherlands. In: Laske, G., ed. Vocational identity, flexibility and mobility in the European labour Market (ITB Working Paper 27). Bremen: ITB, University of Bremen, pp. 165-196. ISSN 1615-3138
- Elias, P. and Kutsar, D. (2001). Creating, accessing and using panels and large-scale databases in international comparisons of family and welfare. In: Hantrais, L., ed. Researching Family and Welfare from an International Comparative Perspective. Brussels: European Commission.
- Elias, P. (2001). Female Employment and Family Formation in National Institutional Contexts. In: Hantrais, L., ed. Researching Family and Welfare from an International Comparative Perspective. Brussels: European Commission.
- Lindley, R.M. (2001). Arbeitsmarktstrategien zur erfolgreichen Unterstützung der Alterung der Bevölkerung. In: von Rothkirch, C., ed. Altern und Arbeit: Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Berlin: Edition Sigma. pp. 135-142. ISBN 3-89404-477-2
- Canny, A., and Elias, P. (2001). Women with Science, Engineering and Technology Qualifications: Evidence from the British Labour Force Survey, 1992-2001. Report for the Department of Trade and Industry. London: DTI.
- Elias, P. and Purcell, K. (2001). Scotland's Graduates Moving On. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde and The Industrial Society. ISBN 1 85098 603 7
- Elias, P. (2001). Earnings Top-Up Evaluation: Effects on Low Paid Workers. London: Department of Social Security. (Research Report No. 134). ISBN 1-84123-292-0
- Green, A.E. and Local Futures (2001). Women and the Knowledge Economy. Local Futures: London.
- Green, A.E. and Owen, D.W. (2001). Employer Skills Survey: Skills, Local Areas and Unemployment. Nottingham: DfES Publications (DfES Report SKT39). ISBN 1 84185 544 8
- Green, A. with Owen, D.W. and Hasluck, C. (2001). New Deal for Disabled People: Local Labour Market Studies. London: Department for Work and Pensions. (Department of Social Security Social Research Branch In-house report 79) ISBN: 1 85197 920 4; ISSN: 1 368 244X
- Green, A.E., Maguire, M. and Canny, A. (2001). Keeping track: Mapping and tracking vulnerable young people. Bristol: The Policy Press and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. ISBN: 1 86134 324 8
- Hasluck, C. and Green, A.E. (2001). Earnings Top-Up Evaluation: Employer's Reactions - Part Two: Econometric Analysis. London: Department for Social Security, Corporate Document Service. (DSS Research Report No. 132).
- Hasluck, C., Pitche, J. and Simm, C. (2001). Academic Research Careers in Scotland: A Longitudinal Study of Contract Research Staff, Their Jobs and Their Career Patterns. Edinburgh/Coventry: Scottish Higher Education Funding Council and Institute for Employment Research.
- Hogarth, T., Hasluck, C. and Pierre, G. with Winterbotham, M. and Vivian, D. (2001). Work-Life Balance 2000: Results from the Baseline Study. London: DfEE. (DfEE Research Report RR249). ISBN 1 84185 432 8.
- Hogarth, T. and Wilson, R. (2001). Skills Matter: A synthesis of research on the extent, causes and implications of skill deficiencies. London: DfES. (DfES Report SMS1). ISBN 1 84185 583 9
- Hogarth, T., Winterbotham, M. and Hasluck, C. (2001). Recruitment and Retention in the Post Office. Coventry: Institute for Employment Research.
- Lindley, R.M. and Gardner, B. (2001). Sectoral Economic Analysis and forecasts up to the Year 2005: A Final Report for the Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Communities. Cambridge: Cambridge Econometrics.
- Loumidis J., Stafford B., Youngs R., Green A., Arthur S., Legard R., Lessof C., Lewis J., Walker R., Corden A., Thornton P. and Sainsbury R. (2001). Evaluation of the New Deal for Disabled People Personal Adviser pilot. Leeds: Corporate Document Services. (Department of Social Security Research Report No. 144). ISBN: 1 84123 354 4 [Technical report available]
- Maguire, M., Canny, A. and Green, A.E. (2001). EMA Pilot Areas: Local Narratives. Coventry: Institute for Employment Research.
- McKnight, A. and Elias, P. (2001). Empirical variation in employment relations and conditions: validating the new social classification. Coventry: Institute for Employment Research.
- McKnight, A., Elias, P. and Wilson, R. (2001). Workplace injuries and workforce trends. London: HSE Books.
- Wilson, R.A. (2001). Forecasting Skill Requirements at National and Company Levels. In: CEDDEFOP, Background Report to the Second Report on Vocational Training Research in Europe 2000 (volume 2). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. pp. 557-605. ISBN 92-896-0036-5
- Wilson, R. and Green, A.E. (2001). Projections of Occupations and Qualifications: 2000/2001: Research in Support of the National Skills Taskforce. Sheffield: Department for Education and Employment. 116pp. [ISBN 1-84185-491-3]
- Wilson, R., and Green, A.E. (2001). Projections of Occupations and Qualifications: 2000/2001: Regional Results. Sheffield: Department for Education and Employment. ISBN 1-84185-492-1
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