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IER Publications 2003


  • Clark, G., Whiteside, N.,(2003). (a) 'Introduction'. (b) 'Historical perspectives and the politics of pension reform'. In G.L. Clark & N. Whiteside (Eds.), Pension Security in the 21st Century (pp. 1-21; 21-42). Oxford University Press.
  • Whiteside, N. (2003). 'L’Angleterre: la naissance d’une logique assurantielle'. In D. Assayag, F. Guedj, & P. Toucas-Truyen (Eds.), La santé en Europe: entre marche et solidarité (pp. 43-47). L’Editions de l’Atelier.

Refereed journals

  • Briscoe, G. and Wilson, R.A. (2003). Modelling UK Occupational Trends. International Journal of Manpower, 24(5), pp. 568-589.

  • Carruth, A.A. and Dickerson, A. (2003). An Asymmetric Equilibrium Correction Model of UK Consumer Spending. Applied Economics, 35, pp. 619-630.

  • Carruth, A.A., Dickerson, A.P. and Henley, A.G. (2003). Industry-Wide versus Firm-Specific Uncertainty and Investment: British Company Panel Data Evidence. Economics Letters, 78, pp.87-92.

  • Dickerson, A.P.. Gibson, H.D. and Tsakalotos, E. (2003). Is Attack the Best Form of Defence? A Competing Risks Analysis of Acquisition Activity in the UK. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27(3), pp. 337-357.

  • Green, A.E. and Owen, D.W. (2003). Skill shortages: local perspectives from England. Regional Studies 37(2), pp. 123-134.
  • Green, A.E. (2003). Labour market trends, skill needs and the ageing of the workforce: a challenge for employability? Local Economy 18(4), pp. 306-331.
  • Green, A.E., Shuttleworth, I. and Lavery, Y. S. (2003). Area perceptions and young people in Belfast: implications for job search and exclusion. Labour Market BulletinLink opens in a new window 17, pp. 129-136.
  • Hardill, I. and Green, A.E. (2003). Remote working – altering the spatial contours of work and home in the new economy. New Technology Work and Employment 18(3), pp. 212-222.
  • Purcell, K. and Elias, P. (2003). On Higher Ground. People Management, 19(11), pp. 24-31.
  • Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘In search of security: earnings-related pensions in Britain and Europe’. History and Policy. Retrieved from
  • Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘William Beveridge desde una perspectiva histórica: una reinterpretación del Informe Beveridge’. Sociológica del Trabajo, 48, pp. 87-110.
  • Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘Une comparaison des systèmes de protection sociale en Allemagne, en France et en Grande Bretagne’. Histoire et Sociétés, 6, pp. 22-41.
  • Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘The State We’re In’. The Financial Review, September, pp. 43-45.


  • Bimrose, J., Mulvey, M.R. and La Gro, N. (2003). Careers Guidance. In: Bayne, R. and Horton, I., eds. Applied Psychology: Current Issues and New Directions. London: Sage, pp. 94-103. ISBN 0-7619-4150-9
  • Elias, P. and McKnight, A. (2003). Earnings, Unemployment and the NS-SEC. In: Rose, D. and Prevalin, D.J., eds. A Researcher's Guide to the National Statistics Socio-economic Classifications. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN 0 7619 7322 2
  • Green, A.E. (2003). Regional information needs and gaps. In: Smith G., ed. Research for Policy 2002: Proceedings of the 2002 LARIA Annual Conference. Middlesbrough: Laria, pp. 77-83. ISBN 0 9507681 9 7
  • McKnight, A. and Elias, P. (2003). Validating the NSSEC: Employment Relations and Conditions. In: Rose, D. and Prevalin, D.J., eds. A Researcher's Guide to the National Statistics Socio-economic Classifications. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN 0 7619 7322 2
  • McKnight, A. and Elias, P. (2003). Empirical Variation in Employment Relations and Conditions. In: Rose, D. and Prevalin, D.J., eds. A Researcher's Guide to the National Statistics Socio-economic Classifications. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN 0 7619 7322 2


Working papers

  • Brown, A. and Laske, G. (2003) Employers views on graduate career paths in Germany and the United Kingdom. In: FAME Project Consortium. How personnel management and human resources policies shape workers' identities. Bremen: University of Bremen. (ITB Working Paper 46).
  • Brown, A. (2003) Old nurses with new qualifications are best: Managers' attitudes towards the recruitment of health care professionals in Estonia, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. In: FAME Project Consortium. How personnel management and human resources policies shape workers' identities. Bremen: University of Bremen. (ITB Working Paper 46).

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