IER Publications 2003
- Clark, G., Whiteside, N.,(2003). (a) 'Introduction'. (b) 'Historical perspectives and the politics of pension reform'. In G.L. Clark & N. Whiteside (Eds.), Pension Security in the 21st Century (pp. 1-21; 21-42). Oxford University Press.
- Whiteside, N. (2003). 'L’Angleterre: la naissance d’une logique assurantielle'. In D. Assayag, F. Guedj, & P. Toucas-Truyen (Eds.), La santé en Europe: entre marche et solidarité (pp. 43-47). L’Editions de l’Atelier.
Refereed journals
Briscoe, G. and Wilson, R.A. (2003). Modelling UK Occupational Trends. International Journal of Manpower, 24(5), pp. 568-589.
Carruth, A.A. and Dickerson, A. (2003). An Asymmetric Equilibrium Correction Model of UK Consumer Spending. Applied Economics, 35, pp. 619-630.
Carruth, A.A., Dickerson, A.P. and Henley, A.G. (2003). Industry-Wide versus Firm-Specific Uncertainty and Investment: British Company Panel Data Evidence. Economics Letters, 78, pp.87-92.
Dickerson, A.P.. Gibson, H.D. and Tsakalotos, E. (2003). Is Attack the Best Form of Defence? A Competing Risks Analysis of Acquisition Activity in the UK. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27(3), pp. 337-357.
- Green, A.E. and Owen, D.W. (2003). Skill shortages: local perspectives from England. Regional Studies 37(2), pp. 123-134.
- Green, A.E. (2003). Labour market trends, skill needs and the ageing of the workforce: a challenge for employability? Local Economy 18(4), pp. 306-331.
- Green, A.E., Shuttleworth, I. and Lavery, Y. S. (2003). Area perceptions and young people in Belfast: implications for job search and exclusion. Labour Market BulletinLink opens in a new window 17, pp. 129-136.
- Hardill, I. and Green, A.E. (2003). Remote working – altering the spatial contours of work and home in the new economy. New Technology Work and Employment 18(3), pp. 212-222.
- Purcell, K. and Elias, P. (2003). On Higher Ground. People Management, 19(11), pp. 24-31.
- Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘In search of security: earnings-related pensions in Britain and Europe’. History and Policy. Retrieved from
- Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘William Beveridge desde una perspectiva histórica: una reinterpretación del Informe Beveridge’. Sociológica del Trabajo, 48, pp. 87-110.
- Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘Une comparaison des systèmes de protection sociale en Allemagne, en France et en Grande Bretagne’. Histoire et Sociétés, 6, pp. 22-41.
- Whiteside, N. (2003). ‘The State We’re In’. The Financial Review, September, pp. 43-45.
- Bimrose, J., Mulvey, M.R. and La Gro, N. (2003). Careers Guidance. In: Bayne, R. and Horton, I., eds. Applied Psychology: Current Issues and New Directions. London: Sage, pp. 94-103. ISBN 0-7619-4150-9
- Elias, P. and McKnight, A. (2003). Earnings, Unemployment and the NS-SEC. In: Rose, D. and Prevalin, D.J., eds. A Researcher's Guide to the National Statistics Socio-economic Classifications. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN 0 7619 7322 2
- Green, A.E. (2003). Regional information needs and gaps. In: Smith G., ed. Research for Policy 2002: Proceedings of the 2002 LARIA Annual Conference. Middlesbrough: Laria, pp. 77-83. ISBN 0 9507681 9 7
- McKnight, A. and Elias, P. (2003). Validating the NSSEC: Employment Relations and Conditions. In: Rose, D. and Prevalin, D.J., eds. A Researcher's Guide to the National Statistics Socio-economic Classifications. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN 0 7619 7322 2
- McKnight, A. and Elias, P. (2003). Empirical Variation in Employment Relations and Conditions. In: Rose, D. and Prevalin, D.J., eds. A Researcher's Guide to the National Statistics Socio-economic Classifications. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN 0 7619 7322 2
- Bell, D. and Elias, P. (2003). The definition, classification and measurement of working time arrangements. Geneva: International Labour Office. (Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 4).
- Bimrose, J., Green, A., Orton, M., Barnes, S-A., Scheibl, F., Galloway, S. and Baldauf, B. (2003). Improving the participation of women in the labour market: Coventry & WarwickshireLink opens in a new window. Coventry: National Learning & Skills Council. [Also available Executive SummaryLink opens in a new window and Review of Sub-regional DisseminationLink opens in a new window].
- Dickerson, A. (2003). Exploring Local Areas, Skills and Unemployment: The Relationship Between Vacancies and Local UnemploymentLink opens in a new window. Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills. [Summary availableLink opens in a new window]
- Dickerson, A.P. and Wilson, R. (2003). Applying the London PremiumLink opens in a new window. London: Greater London Authority.
- Drexel, I., Möbus, M., Gérardin, F., Grasser, B., Lhotel, H., Brown, A., Maguire, M. and Baldauf, B. (2003). Cross-national Comparisons of New Career Pathways for Industrial Supervisors in France, Germany and the United KingdomLink opens in a new window, SKOPE Monograph No 6., ESRC funded Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance. University of Oxford and University of Warwick.
- Galloway, S., Lindley, R. and Raddon, A. (2003). Precarious Working Lives: An Innovation in Policy for Musicians in the UK, for the ESOPE Project, Precarious Employment in Europe: A Comparative Study of Labour Market related Risks in Flexible Economies. Coventry: Warwick Insititute for Employment Research.
- Green, A. and Canny, A. (2003). Geographical mobility: family impactsLink opens in a new window. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. ISBN 1 86134 501 1
- Green, A.E. and Green, M. (2003). New Deal for Communities: National Evaluation Main Phase: Report on the Blakenall, Bloxwich East and Leamore New Deal for Communities Partnership. Report for the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit. Coventry: Warwick Insititute for Employment Research.
- Green, A.E., Hasluck, C., Hogarth, T. and Reynolds, C. (2003). East Midlands FRESA Targets Project. Report to the East Midlands Development Agency. Coventry: Warwick Insititute for Employment Research and PERA.
- Hasluck, C., Hogarth, T., Smith, L. and Winterbotham, M. (2003). Investors in People in ShropshireLink opens in a new window. Report for Learning and Skills Council Shropshire. Telford.
- Hasluck, C., Elias, P. and Green, A. (2003). The Wider Labour Market Impact of Employment ZonesLink opens in a new window. Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions. ISBN 1-84388-234-5. [Research Summary availbleLink opens in a new window]
- Hogarth, T., Daniel, W.W., Dickerson, A.P., Campbell, D. and Winterbotham, M. and Vivian, D. (2003). The Business Context to Long Hours WorkingLink opens in a new window. Sheffield: DTI. (Employment Relations Research Series No. 23). ISBN 0856053732
- Hogarth, T. and Hasluck, C. (2003). Net Costs of Modern Apprenticeship Training to EmployersLink opens in a new window. Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills. (DfES Research Report RR418). [Summary availableLink opens in a new window]
- Hogarth, T., Hasluck, C., Devins, D., Johnson, S. and Jacobs, C. (2003). Exploring Local Areas, Skills and Unemployment, Employer Case Studies. Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills. [Summary availableLink opens in a new window]
- Hogarth, T. and Wilson, R. with Green, A., Owen, D., Dickerson, A., Hogarth, T.,Devins, D., Daniel, W.W., Hasluck, C., Jacobs, C., Johnson, S. and Shury, J. (2003). Skill Shortages, Vacancies and Local Unemployment: A Synthesis of the Exploring Local Areas, Skills and Unemployment AnalysesLink opens in a new window. Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills.
- Mason, G. and Wilson, R.A., eds. (2003). Employers Skill Survey: New Analyses and Lessons LearnedLink opens in a new window. Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills.
- Orton, M. and Radcliffe, P. (2003). Working for an Inclusive Britain: An Evaluation of the West Midlands Forum Pilot Project. Sandwell: West Midlands Forum. ISBN 0-9544469-0-9
- Owen, D., Green, A.E., McLeod, M., Law, I., Challis, T. and Wilkinson, D. (2003). The Use Of And Attitudes Towards Information And Communication Technologies (ICT) By People From Black And Minority Ethnic Groups Living In Deprived AreasLink opens in a new window. Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills. (DfES Research RB450). [Research Brief availableLink opens in a new window]
- Shuttleworth, I., Green, A. and Lavery, S. (2003). Belfast Area Perceptions Study: Mobility, Employment and Exclusion. Report for DELNI. Belafast: Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland. ISBN 0 9545592 1 5
- Wilson, R. A. and Briscoe, G. (2003). The impact of human capital on Economic Growth: A ReviewLink opens in a new window. Contribution to the 3rd Report on European VET. Brussels: CEDEFOP.
- Wilson, R. and Hogarth, T. with Bosworth, D., Dickerson, A., Green, A., Jacobs, C., Keep, E., Mayhew, K. and Watson, S. (2003). Tackling the Low Skills Equilibrium: A Review of Issues and Some New EvidenceLink opens in a new window. London: Department for Trade and Industry.
- Wilson, R., Dickerson, A., Hallam, S., Hogarth, T. and Thomas, S. (2003). Key Messages from Skills in England 2002Link opens in a new window. Coventry: National Learning and Skills Council. [Key messages - Volume 1Link opens in a new window]
- Wilson, R., Dickerson, A., Hallam, S., Hogarth, T. and Thomas, S. (2003). Skills in England 2002, Volume 1Link opens in a new window and Volume 2Link opens in a new window. Coventry: National Learning and Skills Council.
Working papers
- Brown, A. and Laske, G. (2003) Employers views on graduate career paths in Germany and the United Kingdom. In: FAME Project Consortium. How personnel management and human resources policies shape workers' identities. Bremen: University of Bremen. (ITB Working Paper 46).
- Brown, A. (2003) Old nurses with new qualifications are best: Managers' attitudes towards the recruitment of health care professionals in Estonia, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. In: FAME Project Consortium. How personnel management and human resources policies shape workers' identities. Bremen: University of Bremen. (ITB Working Paper 46).
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