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IER Publications 2007

Refereed journals

  • Bimrose, J. and Barnes, S-A. (2007). Styles of Career Decision Making. Australian Journal of Career Development, 16(2), pp. 20-28.
  • Bimrose, J. and Artess, J. (2007). Research into career-related interventions for higher education: What do we know and what do we need to know? Career Research & Development, 17, pp. 12-15.
  • Davies, R., Orton, M. and Bosworth, D. (2007). Local taxation and the relationship between incomes and property values’ Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25(5), pp. 756–772.
  • Green, A.E. (2007). Local action on labour market integration of new arrivals: issues and dilemmas for policy. Local Economy, 22(4), pp. 349-361.Livanos, I. (2007). The incidence of long-term unemployment: evidence from Greece. Applied Economics Letters, 14(4), pp. 405-408.
  • Livanos, I. (2007). Long-term unemployment in Greece. Industrial Relations Review, 47, pp. 75-80.
  • Orton, M. and Rowlingson, K. (2007). A problem of riches: towards a new social policy research agenda on the distribution of economic resources. Journal of Social Policy, 36(1), pp. 59-78.
  • Purcell, K., Wilton, N. and Elias, P. (2007). Hard Lessons for Lifelong Learners? Mature graduates and Mass Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly, 61(1), pp. 57-82.
  • Whiteside, N. (2007). ‘Unemployment in comparative perspective’. International Review of Social History, 52, pp. 35-56.

Other Journal articles

  • Whiteside, N. (2007). ‘A Pensions Bill that does not do what it says on the tin’. Parliamentary Brief, 11(5), 21-22.
  • Whiteside, N. (2007). ‘Asking the low paid to save? Are you mad?’. Parliamentary Brief, 11(8), 10-11.


  • Bimrose, J and Dane, M. (2007). The Role of Guidance. In: Butler, T. and Dane, M., eds. Reflections on Change 1967-2007. Sheffield: AGCAS, pp. 42-51. ISBN 978-0-9514865-2-8
  • Brown, A., Bimrose, J. and Barnes, S-A. (2007). Collaborative work-related learning and technology-enhanced learning. In: Maclean, R. and Wilson, D., eds. International Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Reorientating TVET for the Changing World of Work. Bonn, Germany: UNESCO-UNEVOC/Springer.
  • Brown, A., Dif, M., Helemae, L., Kirpal, S., Koniordos, S., Laske, G., Patiniotis, N. and Strietska-Ilina, O. (FAME-Consortium) (2007). Decomposing and Recomposing Occupational Identities — A Survey of Theoretical Concepts. In: Brown, A., Kirpal, S. and Rauner, F. (Eds.). Identities at Work, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 5, pp. 13-44, Dordrecht: Springer. [ISBN: 978-1-4020-4988-0.]
  • Brown, A. and Kirpal, S. (2007). Concluding Chapter. In: Brown, A., Kirpal, S. and Rauner, F. (Eds.). Identities at Work, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 5, pp. 211-237, Dordrecht: Springer. [ISBN: 978-1-4020-4988-0.]
  • Brown, A., Kirpal, S. and Rauner, F. (2007). Introduction and Overview. In: Brown, A., Kirpal, S. and Rauner, F. (Eds.) (2007). Identities at Work, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 5, pp. 1-12, Dordrecht: Springer. [ISBN: 978-1-4020-4988-0.]
  • Kirpal, S. and Brown, A. (2007). The Much Vaunted ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? In: Brown, A., Kirpal, S. and Rauner, F. (Eds.). Identities at Work, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 5, pp. 211-237, Dordrecht: Springer. [ISBN: 978-1-4020-4988-0.]
  • Kirpal, S., Brown, A. and Dif, M. (2007). The Individualisation of Identification with Work in a European Perspective. In: Brown, A., Kirpal, S. and Rauner, F. (Eds.). Identities at Work, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 5, pp. 285-313, Dordrecht: Springer. [ISBN: 978-1-4020-4988-0.]
  • Livanos, I. (2007). The development of an employment forecasting methodology for the Hellenic Republic. In: Zukersteinova, A. and Striestska-Ilina, O., eds. Towards European Skill needs forecastingLink opens in a new window. Cedefop Panorama Series 137. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp. 101-104. ISBN 978-92-896-0479-6
  • Lindley, R.M. (2007). Creating a Neo-Lisbon Economy. In: Acocella, N. and Leoni, R., eds. Social Pacts, Employment and Growth. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, pp. 273-286. ISBN 978-3790819151

  • Purcell, K. (2007). Graduate Employment and Expectations. In: Butler, T. and Dane, M., eds. Reflections on Change 1967-2007. Sheffield: AGCAS, pp. 42-51. ISBN 978-0-9514865-2-8

  • Wilson, R. and Lindley, R.M. (2007). Pan-European skills forecasts. In: Zukersteinova, A. and Striestska-Ilina, O., eds. Towards European Skill needs forecastingLink opens in a new window. Cedefop Panorama Series 137. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp. 7-26. ISBN978-92-896-0479-6

  • Wilson, R. and Lindley, R.M. (2007). Identifying Skill Needs in the UK. In: Strietska-Ilina, O. and Tessaring, M., eds. Systems, Institutional Frameworks and Processes for Early Identification of Skill Needs. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp. 25-54.


  • Brown, A., Kirpal, S. and Rauner, F., eds. (2007). Identities at Work, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 5. Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4020-4988-0.

Contributions to Edited Books

  • Whiteside, N. (2007). 'Estado y relaciones de trabajo en Gran Bretaña. Un estudio de caso – el trabajo portuario'. In S. Castillo (Ed.), Estados y relaciones de trabajo en la Europa del siglo XX (pp. 187-213). Ediciones Cinca.


Working papers

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