IER Publications 2009
Refereed journals
- Atfield, G. and Purcell, K. (2009). Northern Ireland's Students: Key Findings from the Futuretrack Stage 1 Survey. Labour Market BulletinLink opens in a new window, 22, pp. 118-132.
- Bonvin, J.-M. and Orton, M. (2009). Activation policies and organisational innovation: the added value of the capability approach. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 29(11/12), pp. 565-574.
- Casey B. (2009). The Economic Contribution of PhDs. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 31(3), pp. 219-227.
- Casey, B. (2009). The National Pensions Savings Scheme: Its Implications for Jobs in Small Firms. International Small Business Journal, 27(3), pp. 363-382.
- Green, A.E. and Orton, M. (2009). The integration of activation policy at sub-national level: a case study of the City Strategy initiative in an English sub-region. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 29(11/12), pp. 612-623.
- Green, A.E. (2009). Older People and Transitions from Employment to Non-employment: International Perspectives and Policy Issues. The Professional Geographer, 61(1), pp. 46-58.
- Green, A.E. and Hasluck, C. (2009). Action to Reduce Worklessness: What Works? Local Economy, 24(1), pp. 28-37.
- Green, A.E., de Hoyos, M., Jones, P. and Owen, D. (2009). Rural development and labour supply challenges in the UK: the role of non-UK migrants. Regional Studies, 43(10), pp. 1261-1273.
- Jones, P. and Green, A.E. (2009). The quantity and quality of jobs: changes in UK regions, 1997-2007. Environment and Planning A, 41(10), pp. 2474-2495.
- Livanos, I. (2009). Modelling the Incidence of Unemployment: the Case of Greece. Applied Economics Letters, 16, pp. 1607-1611.
- Livanos, I. (2009). What determines self-employment? A comparative study. Applied Economics Letters, 16(3), pp. 227-232.
- Livanos, I., Yalkin, C. and Nunez, I. (2009). Gender Employment Discrimination: Greece and the United KingdomLink opens in a new window. International Journal of Manpower, 30(8), pp. 514-538.
- Orton, M. (2009). Understanding the exercise of agency within structural inequality: the case of personal debt. Social Policy and Society, 8(4), pp. 487-498.
- Orton, M. and Davies, R. (2009). Exploring neglected dimensions of social policy: the Social Division of Welfare ( SDW), fiscal welfare and the exemplar of local taxation in England. Social Policy and Administration, 43(1), pp. 35-53.
- Purcell, K. (2009). Being a full-time undergraduate in the UK: mapping differences in student experiences and opportunitiesLink opens in a new window. Graduate Labour Market Trends, Winter 2009/10.
- Whiteside, N., & Gascoigne, S. (2009). ‘The promotion of capabilities in Sweden: a case study of the contraction of the shipbuilding industry in Gothenburg’. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 29(11/12), pp. 587-599.
- Bimrose, J. and Barnes, S-A. (2009). ‘Measuring the effectiveness of career counselling. In: Arnold, R., Gieseke, W. and Zeuner, C., eds. Bildungsberatung im Dialog: Grundlagen der Berufs-und Erwachsenenbildung (Band 61). Baltmannsweiler, Germany: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren Gmbh Publishing Company, pp.79-96. ISBN 978-3-8340-0554-0.
- Brown, A. (2009). Role of Technology in Enhancing Learning. In: Bernath,U., Szücs, A., Tait, A. and Vidal, M., eds. Distance Education and e-Learning in Transition: Learning innovation, technology and social challenges. London: Wiley, pp. 373-384. ISBN 978-1-84821-132-2
- Brown, A., Bimrose, J. and Barnes, S-A., (2009). Collaborative work-related learning and technology-enhanced learning. In: Maclean, R. and Wilson, D., eds. International Handbook of Education for the changing world of work, volume 4. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 1687-1698. ISBN 978-1-4020-5280-4
- Casey, B. (2009). From Employment Strategy to Strategy for Growth and Jobs. In: Gold, M., ed. Employment Policy in the European Union. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, pp. 27-44. ISBN 9780230518124
- Davies, R. and Elias, P. (2009). The application of ESeC to three sources of comparative European Data. In: Rose, D. and Harrion, E., eds. Social class in Europe: an introduction to the European socio-economic classification. Chapter 3. London: Routledge, pp.61-86. ISBN 978-0-415-53423-9
- Hogarth, T. (2009). Emerging skill needs in a greener UK economy. In: Cedefop, ed. Future Skill Needs for the Green EconomyLink opens in a new window. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 35-42. ISBN 978-92-896-01617-2 9
- Nieuwenhuis, L. & Brown, A. (2009). In Search for Flexible Expertise as a Source for Firm Viability. In: Oser, F., Renold, U., John, E. Winther, E. and S. Weber, S., eds. VET boost: towards a theory of professional competencies - Essays in Honor of Frank Achtenhagen. Dordrecht: Sense Publishers, pp. 409-422. ISBN 978-90-8790-736-5
- Orton, M. and Ratcliffe, P. (2008). From single to multi-dimensional policy approaches to equalities: the example of contract compliance. In: Schiek, D. and Chege, V., eds. European Union Non-Discrimination Law: Comparative Perspectives on Multidimensional Equality Law, pp. 163-178. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 0203892623
- Brown, A. (2009). Higher skills development at work: A Commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research ProgrammeLink opens in a new window. London: ESRC,TLRP. ISBN 978-0-85473-893-9
- Lyonette, C. (2009). Combining work and elder caring: positive and negative consequences. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. ISBN 9783639142563
- Bimrose, J. (2009). Careers guidance, identity and development - Beyond Current Horizons reportLink opens in a new window. London: DCSF/Futurelab.
- Brown, A. (2009). Developing expertise - moving beyond a focus on workplace competence, assessment and qualifications - Beyond Current Horizons reportLink opens in a new window. London: DCSF/Futurelab.
- Casey, B. (2009). The Economic Costs of Work-related Stress: A Review of Literature as a Basis for Assessing the Value of Interventions. In: Whitfield, K., ed. Employee Well-being and working life: towards an evidence-based policy agendaLink opens in a new window. Report on a Public Policy Seminar held at HSE, London, 5 February 2009. Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council, pp. 29-36.
- Cedefop (2009). Future Skill Supply in Europe: Medium-term forecast up to 2020 - Synthesis ReportLink opens in a new window. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (with Wilson, R., Cörvers, F., Gardiner, B., Dupuy, A., Pollitt, H., and U. Chewpreecha). ISBN: 978-92-896-0606-6
- Cooke, M. and Platman, K. (2009). Flexibility/Security Policies and the Labour Market Trajectories of IT WorkersLink opens in a new window. CPRN Research Report. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc.
- Cox, A., Hogarth, T., Usher, T., Owen, D., Sumption, F., and Oakley, J. (2009). Impact of the Recession on the South East Labour Market. Guildford: South East Development Agency.
- Elias, P. (2009). A revised UK National Strategy for data Resources for Social and Economic Research, 2009-2012Link opens in a new window. London: NDS.
- Gambin, L. with Green, A.E. and Hogarth, T. (2009). Exploring the links between skills and productivityLink opens in a new window. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency.
- Green, A.E., Hasluck, C. and Adam, D. (2009). The City Strategy: Host Country Report. Report prepared for European Union Peer Review in Social Protection and Social Inclusion and Assessment in Social Inclusion.
- Green, A.E., Baldauf, B. and Owen, D. (2009). Short-term Mobility. Report to the European Commission for ‘Study on workers’ mobility – Lot 2: Short-term international assignments. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick.
- Green, A.E. (2009). Geography matters: the importance of sub-national perspectives on employment and skills. Link opens in a new windowPraxis No. 2Link opens in a new window. London: UK Commission for Employment and Skills. ISBN 978-1-906597-24-5
- Hasluck, C. and Hogarth, T. (2009). The Value of Apprentices to Engineering Employers. In: Kumar, A. and E. Buglass, E., eds. Engineering UK 2009/2010Link opens in a new window. London: Engineering UK, pp. 88-90.
- Hasluck, C., Hogarth, T. and Adam, D. (2009). The Net Benefit to Employer Investment in Apprenticeship Training:IT Apprenticeships, A Report for the Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network. London: Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network.
- Hogarth, T., Gambin, L., Hasluck, C., De Hoyos, M. and Owen, D. (2009). Maximising Apprenticeship Completion RatesLink opens in a new window. Coventry: Learning and Skills Council, National Office.
- Hogarth, T., Owen, D., Gambin, L., Hasluck, C., Lyonette, C. and Casey, B. (2009). The equality impacts of the current recession.Link opens in a new window Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. (Equality and Human Rights Commission, Research Report 47). ISBN 978 1 84206 241 8
- Hogarth, T. and Bosworth, D. (2009). Future horizons for work-life balance - Beyond Current Horizons reportLink opens in a new window. London: DCSF/Futurelab.
- Hogarth, T., Bosworth, D., Gambin, L. and Wilson, R.A. (2009). Review of Employer Collective Measures: Empirical Review, Evidence Report 7Link opens in a new window. London: UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
- IFF Research and Warwick IER (contribution from Hasluck, C., Hogarth, T. and Gambin, L.) (2009). Employer Train to Gain Evaluation: Sweep 4Link opens in a new window, Research Report. Coventry: Learning and Skills Council, National Office.
- Lyonette, C. and M. Clark (2009). Unsocial Hours: Unsocial Families? Working Time and Family Wellbeing. Report for the Relationships Foundation. London: Relationships Foundation.
- Neelands, J., Lindley, R.M., Lindsay, G., Winston, J. and Galloway, S. (2009). Report to Government
Dance and drama awards strategic review 2009 : final report. Report to Government. A report prepared for the LSC. - Owen, D., A. Green and P. Elias (2009). Review of Geospatial Resource Needs. Report for the National Data Strategy. London: NDS.
- Purcell, K., Elias, P., Atfield, G., Behle, H. and Ellison, R. (2009). Plans, aspirations and realities: taking stock of higher education and career choices one year onLink opens in a new window. Manchester: HECSU.
- Purcell, K., Elias, P. and Atfield, G. (2009). Analysing the relationship between higher education participation and educational and career development patterns and outcomes, A new classification of higher education institutionsLink opens in a new window. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick.
- Wilson, R.A. (2009). The future of work and implications for education. In: Facer, K., ed. Educational, social and technological futures: a report from the Beyond Current Horizons Programme. London: DCSF/Futurelab. (A report from the beyond current horizons programme for DCSF).
Contribution to Books
- Whiteside, N. (2009). 'La protección social en Gran Bretaña … el caso del seguro sanitario'. In S. Castillo (Ed.), La Previsión Social en la Historia (pp. 519-553). Siglio.
- Whiteside, N. (2009). 'L’assurance sociale en Grande Bretagne 1900-1950'. In M. Dreyfus (Ed.), Les assurances sociales en Europe (pp. 127-158). Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Oher publications
- Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., Brown, A.;, Feldkamp, D., Franzolini, P., Kaschig, A., Kunzmann, C., Maier, R., Nelkner, T., Sandow, A. and Thalmann, S. (2009). Knowledge Maturing at Workplaces of Knowledge Workers: Results of an Ethnographically Informed Study. In: Proceedings of the I-KNOW 09 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge TechnologiesLink opens in a new window. Eigenverlag, pp. 14 - 27.
- Livanos, I. and Pouliakas, K. (2009). The Gender Wage Gap as a Function of Educational Degree Choices in an Occupationally Segregated EU Country, IZA Discussion Paper No. 4636.
- Purcell, K. (2009). Being a full-time undergraduate in the UK: mapping differences in student experiences and opportunitiesLink opens in a new window. Graduate Labour Market Trends, Winter 2009/10.
- Wilson, R. (2009). The extent to which employer data on employment and skills issues in the UK are fit for purpose. (Contributing to the debate: Assessing the evidence base on skills and employment in the UK. Paper presented at a workshop organised by UKCES, 9 December 2008.
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