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IER Publications 2011

Refereed journals

  • Bimrose, J. and McNair, S. (2011). Career support for migrants: Transformation or Adaptation? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78(3), pp. 321-392.
  • Brown, A. (2011). Lessons from policy failure – the demise of a National Qualifications Framework based solely on learning outcomes in England. Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 62/128(5), pp. 36-55.
  • Brown, A. (2011). Problems with National Qualitifactions Frameworks in practice: The English case. Austrian Open Access Journal of Adult Education, 14 (article 04), pp. 1-12.
  • Casey, B. (2011). Pensions in Nigeria: the performance of the new system of personal accounts. International Social Security Review, 64(1), pp. 1-14.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2011). Women's career success and work-life adaptations in the accountancy and medical professions in Britain. Gender, Work and Organization, 18(2), pp. 231-254.
  • de Hoyos, M. and Green, A. (2011). Recruitment and retention issues in rural labour markets. Journal of Rural Studies. 27(2), pp. 171-180.
  • Gambin, L., Hasluck, C. and Hogarth, T. (2011). Maximizing Apprenticeship completion in England. Canadian Apprenticeship Journal, 4(Spring).
  • Li, Y. and Mumford, K. (2011). Aspirations, Expectations and Education Outcomes for Children in Britain. International Journal of Learning 18(4), 289 – 308.

  • Livanos, I. and Pouliakas, K. (2011). Wage Returns to University Disciplines in Greece: Are Greek Higher Education Degrees Trojan Horses? Education Economics, 19(4), pp. 411-445.
  • Lyonette, C., Kaufman, G. and Crompton, R. (2011). “We both need to work”: maternal employment, childcare and healthcare in Britain and the U.S. Work, Employment and Society, 2(1), pp. 34-50.
  • Orton, M. (2011). Flourishing lives: the capabilities approach as a framework for new thinking about employment, work and welfare in the 21st century. Work, Employment and Society, 25(2), pp. 352-360.
  • Shuttleworth, I. and Green, A.E. (2011). Spatial mobility interventions, the labour market and incapacity benefit claimants: evidence from Northern Ireland. Urban Studies, 48(5), pp. 911-927.
  • Tagiyeva, N., Semple, N.S., Devereux, G., Sherriff, A., Henderson, J., Elias, P. and Ayres, J.G. (2011). Reconstructing past occupational exposures: How reliable are women's reports of their partner's occupation? Occupational and Environmental Medicine 68, pp. 452-456.
  • White, R. J. and Green, A. E. (2011). Opening Up or Closing Down Opportunities?: The Role of Social Networks and Attachment to Place in Informing Young Peoples' Attitudes to Training and Employment. Urban Studies, 48(1), pp. 41-60.


  • Brown, A. and Bimrose, J. (2011). Developmental tasks,vocational development and career adaptability. In: Zhao, Z., Rauner, F. and Hauschildt, U., eds. Assuring the acquisition of expertise: apprenticeship in the modern economy. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, pp. 255-258. ISBN 978-7-5135-0815-5
  • Brown, A. and Bimrose, J. (2011). Changing patterns of guidance, learning and careers of older workers in Europe. In: CEDEFOP, ed. Working and ageing: Guidance and counselling for mature learners. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 166-187. ISBN 978-92-896-0851-0
  • Livanos, I. (2011). The "service sector" of skills: New Trends in Modern Organizations. In: Dedoussopoulos, A., ed. Η επέκταση του τομέα των υπηρεσιών: διαστάσεις οικονομική (=The Expansion of the Service Sector: economic andemployment dimensions). Ilisia, Greece: Kritiki Publishing House.
  • Livanos, I. and Katsanevas, T. (2011). The Balance of Demand and Supply of Professions: A Labour Market Information System for Greece. In: Essays in Economics: Applied Studies on the Greek Economy. 50 Years Anniversary Publication. Athens: Centre of Planning and Economic Research. ISBN 978-960-341-097-3

  • Lyonette, C. (2011). Atypical working in Europe and the impact on work-family reconciliation. In: Busby, N. and James, G., eds., Families, care-giving and paid work: challenging labour law in the 21st century. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 31-51. ISBN 1849802629.

  • Rogerson, R., Sadler, S., Green, A. and Wong, C. (2011). Learning about sustainable communities. In: Rogerson, R., Sadler, S., Green, A. and Wong, C., eds. Sustainable Communities: Skills and learning for place-making. Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press, pp. 1-20. ISBN 978-1-907396-13-7

  • White, R. and Green, A. (2011). The Use of Mental Maps in Youth Research: Some Evidence from Research Exploring Young People's Awareness of and Attachment to Place. In: Heath, S. and Walker, C., eds. Innovations in Youth Research. Basingstoke: Palgrave, Macmillan, pp. 58-76. ISBN 9780230278493


  • Rogerson, R., Sadler, S., Green, A. and Wong, C., eds. (2011). Sustainable Communities: Skills and learning for place-making. Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press. ISBN 978-1-907396-13-7


Working papers

Other papers

  • Casey, B. and Whiteside, N. (2011). One sex doesn't fit all. Parliamentary Brief, October, pp. 12-13.
  • Casey, B. and Whiteside, N. (2011). Untangling the pensions web we've woven. Parliamentary Brief, 2011, pp. 1-2.

To check availability contact: ier at warwick dot ac dot uk