IER Publications 2013
Refereed journals
- Bimrose, J., Cohen, L., Arnold, J. and Barnes, S-A. (2013). Reframing Careers (editorial)Link opens in a new window. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 41(3), 219-225, 0306-9885.
- Bimrose, J., McMahon, M. and Watson, M. (2013). Career trajectories of older women: implications for career guidance. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 41(5), pp. 587-601.
- Burford, B., Morrow, G., Morrison, J., Baldauf, B., Spencer, J., Johnson, N., Rothwell, C. , Peile, E., Davies, C. , Allen, M. and Illing, J. (2013). Newly qualified doctors’ perceptions of informal learning from nurses: implications for interprofessional education and practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(5), 394–400.
- Casey, B. and Yiallouris, P. (2013). The Slow Growth and Sudden Demise of Supplementary Pension Provision in CyprusLink opens in a new window. Cyprus Economic Policy Review, 7(2), pp. 25-51.
Findlay, P., Kalleberg, A.L. and Warhurst C. (2013). The challenge of job quality, Human Relations, 66(4), pp.441-452.
- Illing, J.C., Morrow, G.M., Rothwell nee Kergon, C.R., Burford, B.C., Baldauf, B.K., Davies, C.L., Peile, E.B., Spencer, J.A., Johnson, N., Allen, M. and Morrison, J. (2013). Perceptions of UK medical graduates' preparedness for practice: A multi-centre qualitative study reflecting the importance of learning on the jobLink opens in a new window, BMC Medical Education, 13(34), ISSN 1472-6920.
- Kaschig, A., Maier, R., Sandow, A., Lazoi, M., Schmidt, A., Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., Brown, A., Bradley, C., Kunzmann, C. and Mazarakis, A. (2013). Organizational Learning from the Perspective of Knowledge Maturing Activities, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 6(2), 158 - 176, ISSN 1939-1382.
- Marginson, P., Lavelle, J., Quintanilla, J., Adam, D. and Sánchez-Mangas, R. (2013). Variation in Approaches to European Works Councils in Multinational Companies. Special Issue on Multinational Companies, ILRReview, 66(3).
Bimrose, J. & Brown, A. (2013). Navigating the labour market: transitioning styles of adults receiving career guidance. In: Wuttke, Eveline & Seifried, Jürgen (eds.). Transitions in Vocational Education and Training. Stuttgart: Barbara Budrich Publishers, pp. 283-302.
- Bimrose, J. and Hughes, D. (2013). Counseling in England. In: T. H. Hohenshil, T.H., Amundson, N.E. and Niles, S.G., eds. Counseling Around the World: An International Handbook. Alexandria, VA, USA: American Counseling Association, pp. 183-191. ISBN 978-1556203169.
- Bimrose, J., Mulvey, R. and La Gro, N. (2013). Careers Guidance and Psychology. In: Bayne, R. and Horton , I., eds. Applied Psychology: Training, Practice and New Directions. London: Sage, pp. 249-261. ISBN 978-0761941507.
- Brown, A. (2013). Nurturing mastery of high level vocational practice through coaching. In: City & Guilds Centre for Skills Development, ed. The role of coaching in vocational education and trainingLink opens in a new window. London: City & Guilds Centre for Skills Development, Insights No. 1, pp. 74-99.
- McMahon, M., Watson, M. and Bimrose, J. (2013). Older women’s careers: Systemic Perspectives. In: Patton, W., ed. Conceptualising women’s working lives: Moving the boundaries of our discourse. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 119-133. ISBN 978-94-6209-207-5.
Warhurst, C. (2013) Swimming against the tide, helping turn the tide: Werner Nienhϋser and the understanding of competing interests at work. In H. Hoβfeld and R. Ortlieb (eds) Macht und Employment Relations, Munich: Rainer Hampf Verlag.
Warhurst, C. and Nickson, D.(2013) A New Labor Aristocracy? Aesthetic Labour and Routine Interactive Service. In M. Tadajewski and R. Cluley (eds) New Directions in Critical Marketing Studies, London: Sage.
Warhurst, C. (2013) Aesthetic Labour. In V. Smith (ed.) Sociology of Work: An Encyclopaedia, London: Sage.
Warhurst, C. (2013) Retail Employment. In V. Smith (ed.) Sociology of Work: An Encyclopaedia, London: Sage.
Warhurst, C. (2013) Knowledge Workers. In V. Smith (ed.) Sociology of Work: An Encyclopaedia, London: Sage.
- Barnes, S-A., de Hoyos, M., Baldauf, B., Behle, H. and Green, A. (2013). D2: Review of State of the Art and Mapping: CROWDEMPLOY. Seville, Spain: JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
- Bosworth, D., Lyonette, C. and Wison, R. (2013). The supply of and demand for high-level STEM skills. Evidence Report 77Link opens in a new window. Wath-upon-Dearne: UKCES.
- Cambridge Econometrics and IER (2013). Review of the Economic Benefits of training and qualifications research based on cross sectional and administrative dataLink opens in a new window. (BIS Research paper 105). London: Department for Business, Innvoation and Skills.
- Cambridge Econometrics, Institute for Employment Research and IFF Research (2013). Working for a Green Britain and Northern Ireland 2013-23. Employment and Skills in the UK Wind & MarineLink opens in a new window. London: Renewable UK.
- de Hoyos, M., Green, A., Barnes, S-A., Behle, H., Baldauf, B. and Owen, D. (2013). Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT, Report 2: ICT and EmployabilityLink opens in a new window. JRC Technical Report, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (Report EUR 5792 EN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-79-28293-5.
- Gelderblom, A., Hogarth, T., Collewet, M. and Gambin, L. (2013). On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies - Indicator overviewsLink opens in a new window. Research Paper no. 33. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-896-1344-6.
- Gelderblom, A., Hogarth, T., Collewet, M. and Gambin, L. (2013). On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies - Country statistical
overviewsLink opens in a new window. Research Paper no. 31. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-896-1143-5. - Green, A., de Hoyos, M., Barnes, S., Baldauf, B. and Behle, H. (2013). CrowdEmploy Crowdsourcing Case Studies: An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Crowdsourcing on Employability. European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, JRC Technical Reports (Report EUR 26351 EN), Stewart, J. (ed.), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-79-34745-0.
- Green, A., de Hoyos, M., Barnes, S-A., Owen, D., Baldauf, B. and Behle, H. (2013). Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT, Report 1: The Concept of Employability, with a Specific Focus on Young People, Older Workers and MigrantsLink opens in a new window. JRC Technical Report, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (Report EUR 25794 EN). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-79-28417-5.
- Green, A., Atfield, G., Adam, D. and Staniewicz, T. (2013). Determinants of the Composition of the Workforce in Low Skilled Sectors of the UK Economy, Lot 2: Qualitative Research – Final ReportLink opens in a new window. Report for Migration Advisory Committee (MAC). London: UK Borders Agency, Home Office.
- Green, A., Atfield, G. and Adam, D. (2013). Local worklessness policy analysis case studiesLink opens in a new window. (Research Report No. 844). Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions.
- Hogarth, T., Hasluck, C,. Gambin, L., Behle, H., Li, Y. and Lyonette, C. (2013). Evaluation of Employment Advisers in the Improving Access toLink opens in a new window
Psychological Therapies Programme. (DWP Research Report 826). Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions. - IER/Pontydysgu/RayCom/Rewired State (2013). LMI for All Developing a Careers Databasse: Phase 2A reportLink opens in a new window. Wath-upon-Dearne: UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
- Owen, D. (2013). Future Identities: Changing identities in the UK - the next 10 yearsLink opens in a new window. Review commissioned as part of the UK Government's Foresight project. London: Government Office for Science.
- Owen, D. (2013). Evidence on the Experience of Poverty Among People from Minority Ethnic Groups in Northern IrelandLink opens in a new window. JRF Programme Paper - Poverty and ethnicity. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Owen, D. (2013). Evidence on the Experience of Poverty Among People from Minority Ethnic Groups in WalesLink opens in a new window. JRF Programme Paper - Poverty and ethnicity. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Owen, D. (2013). Data Sources on Ethnicity and Poverty in WalesLink opens in a new window. JRF Programme Paper - Poverty and Ethnicity. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Owen, D. (2013). Data Sources on Ethnicity and Poverty in Northern IrelandLink opens in a new window. JRF Programme Paper - Poverty and Ethnicity. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Owen, D., Li, Y. and Green, A.E. (2013). Secondary analysis of employer surveys: Urban and rural differences in jobs, training, and skillsLink opens in a new window. Wath-upon-Dearne: UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
Other publications
- Whiteside, N. (2013). 'Lebenschancen und Wohlfahrt: Forderung der Gleichstellung von Mannern und Frauen im forgeschritten Alter'. In B. Huber (Ed.), Kurswechsel fur ein gutes Leben (pp. 130-149). Campus.
- Atfield, G. and Purcell, K. (2013). Northern Ireland's students approaching graduation: key findings from the Futuretrack survey of final year students on three year courses, Labour Market BulletinLink opens in a new window 24, 97 - 105, ISSN 1351-4504.
Luchinskaya, D. (2013). Does Size Matter? Graduates' Skills and Knowledge Use in Small and Large Businesses. In: Clegg, B., Scully, J., and Bryson, J., eds., ESRCLink opens in a new window Research Capacity Building Clusters Conference ProceedingsLink opens in a new window. Aston: Aston Business School, pp. 133-140. ISBN 978 19058 66670