IER Publications 2017
Refereed journals
- Whiteside, N. (2017). ‘Flexible employment and casual labour: historical perspectives on labour market policy’. History and Policy. Retrieved from
- Adam, D., Atfield, G. and Green, A. (2017). What works? Policies for employability in cities. Urban Studies 54(5), pp.1162-1177. DOI: 10.1177/0042098015625021
- Akkok, F., Arlumani, G., Zelloth, H. and Hughes, D. (forthcoming). Migration: theory, research and practice in guidance and counselling, Editors, International Symposium Series. British Journal for Guidance and Counselling, 46(8).
- Cárdenas, J., Gutiérrez, L. H., and Otero, J. (2017). Investigating diesel market integration in France: Evidence from micro data. Energy Economics, 63, 314-321.
- Findlay, P., Warhurst, C., Keep, E. and Lloyd, C. (2017). Opportunity Knocks? The Possibilities and Levers for Improving Job Quality. Work and Occupations, 44(1), pp.3-22. DOI: 10.1177/0730888416689813
- Green, A.E. (2017). Implications of technological change and austerity for employability in urban labour markets. Urban Studies, 54(7), pp.1638-1654. DOI: 10.1177/0042098016631906
- Green, A. and Livanos, I. (2017). Involuntary non-standard employment in Europe. European Urban and Regional Studies, 24(2), pp. 175–192. DOI: 10.1177/0969776415622
- Hughes, D. and Meijers (2017). Editorial: New School for Old School: Guidance and Counselling (International Symposium Series). British Journal for Guidance and Counselling, 45(2), pp.1-5. DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2017.1294863
- Lengelle, R., Hughes, D. and Hambly, L. (forthcoming). Creative Methods in Guidance and Counselling, Editors, International Symposium Series. British Journal for Guidance and Counselling, 46(2).
- Shipton, H., Sparrow, P., Budhwar, P. and Brown, A. (2017). HRM and innovation: looking across levels. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(2), pp.246-–263. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12102
Shipton, H., Budhwar, P., Sparrow, P. and Brown, A. (2017). Editorial overview: HRM and innovation — a multi-level perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(2), pp.203-–208. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12138
- Sissons, P. and Green, A. (2017). More than a match? Assessing the HRM challenge of engaging employers to support retention and progression. Human Resource Management Journal. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12161
- Warhurst, C. (2017). Developing effective policy to improve job quality, Poverty, Issue 156, 14-17
Brown A., Bimrose J. (2018) Learning and Identity Development at Work. In: Milana M., Webb S., Holford J., Waller R., Jarvis P. (eds) The Palgrave International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning. Palgrave Macmillan, London. DOI:
- Mako, C., Illéssy, M. & Warhurst, C., ‘How innovation policy contributes to improving job quality and employment – and why the EU has failed to exploit this opportunity’ in M. Strumińska-Kutra and B. Rok (eds) Innowacje w miejscu pracy. Między efektywnością a jakością życia zawodowego (Workplace Innovation. Between efficiency and the quality of working life, Warsaw: Poltext, 2017
Warhurst, C. ‘Policies and practices for improving skills utilisation locally’ in OECD Better Use of Skills in the Workplace, OECD: Paris, 2017 (co-author).
- Warhurst, C., Mathieu, C. and Wright, S (2017). Workplace Innovation and the Quality of Working Life in the Age of Uberisation. In: Oeij, P., Rus, D. and Pot, F. (Eds). Workplace Innovation: Theory, Research and Practice (Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being series). London: Springer Publishing
Warhurst, C., Mathieu, C. and Wright, S., ‘Job quality as a lever for organizational innovation’ in M. Strumińska-Kutra and B. Rok (eds) Innowacje w miejscu pracy. Między efektywnością a jakością życia zawodowego (Workplace Innovation. Between efficiency and the quality of working life, Warsaw: Poltext, 2017 .
Edited books
- Ashton, D., Lloyd, C. & Warhurst, C., ‘Business Strategies and Skills’ in C. Warhurst, K. Mayhew, D. Finegold and J. Buchanan (eds) Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
- Lewis, S., Anderson, D., Lyonette, C., Payne, N. and Wood, S. (2017) 'Public sector austerity cuts in the UK and the changing discourse of work-life balance.' Work, Employment and Society, 31 (4): 586-604.
- Warhurst, C., Mathew, K., Finegold, D. and Buchanan, J. (2017). The Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199655366
Warhurst, C., Tilly, C. & Gatta, M., ‘A New Social Construction of Skill’ in C. Warhurst, K. Mayhew, D. Finegold and J. Buchanan (eds) Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017 .
- Whiteside, N. (2017). 'Britain’s pension reforms: a new departure?'. In M. Jepson & D. Natali (Eds.), The New Pension Mix in Europe: Reforms throughout the Crisis (Peter Laing).
- Whiteside, N. (2017). 'Transforming the unemployed: trade union benefits and the advent of state policy'. In K. Laybourn & J. Shepherd (Eds.), Labour and Working Class Lives: essays to celebrate the life and work of Chris Wrigley (pp. 68-86). Manchester University Press.
- Barnes, S-A., Green, A., Batty, E. and Pearson, S. (2017). Key worker models: What key worker approaches, capacity and capabilities are important at different stages of the journey to employment?Link opens in a new window (Talent Match Case Study Theme Report). Sheffield: CRESR/Big Lottery.
- Dickinson, P., Kispeter, E., Poole, S. (2017). Impacts of the Apprenticeship Levy. Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP)
- Green, A., Hogarth, T., Thom, G., MacLeod, K., Warhurst, C., Willis, R., and Mackay S. (2017). Local Skills Case Study (Department for Education Research Report 673). London: Department for Education. ISBN 978-1-78105-741-4.
- Green, A.E., Kispeter, E., Sissons, P. and Froy, F. (2017). How international cities lead an inclusive growth agendas. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. (A summary is also available).
- Green, A., Lee, N. and Sissons, P. (2017). Growth Sectors: Data Analysis on Employment Change, Wages and PovertyLink opens in a new window. Cardiff: Public Policy Institute for Wales.
- Green, A., Sissons, P. and Lee, N. (2017). Employment Entry in Growth Sectors: A Review of the International Evidence. Cardiff: PPIW.
- Higton, J., Leonardi, S., Richards, N., Choudhoury, A., Sofroniou, N. and Owen, D. (2017). Teacher Workload Survey 2016 (Research report DFE-RR633). London: Department for Education. ISBN: 978-1-78105-689-9 (Also available: Research brief and Technical report).
Lyonette, C., Hunt, W. and Baldauf, B. (2017) Occupations and skills of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Graduates. British Academy.
- Luchinskaya, D., (2017). Welsh Government Budgetary Trade-offs: Looking Forward to 2021-22. Wales Public Services.
- Luchinskaya, D., Ogle, J., and Trickey, M. (2017). A delicate balance? Health & Social Care spending in Wales. Cardiff: Wales Public Services 2025.
- Purcell, K., Elias, P., Green, A., Mizen, P., Simms, M., Whiteside, N., Wilson, D., Robertson, A. and C. Tzanakou (2017) Present Tense, Future Imperfect? Young People's pathways into work. Coventry: Institute for Employment Research.
- Sissons, P., Green, A. and Lee, N. (2017). Improving Job Quality in Growth Sectors: A Review of the International Evidence. Cardiff: PPIW.
Working papers
- Sarkar, S. (2017). Employment Change in Occupations in Urban India: Implications for Wage Inequality. Warwick Institute for Employment Research Working Paper 2017/101. Coventry, University of Warwick.
Other publications
- Behle, H. (2017). Description of 'Academically adrift: Limited learning on collegecampuses' by Arum and Roksa. Coventry: University of Warwick.