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Skills Advisory Panels Feasibility Study

The aim of the Skills Advisory Panels (SAPs) programme is to ensure that the local provision of skills, and the delivery of skills policy in local areas, meets and responds to changing employer needs. DfE wants to support Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs) in reaching a consistent, higher standard of evidence on skills needs so that they can inform national policy levers and local investment decisions. SAPs will produce reports that identify their local skills demand and priority areas for intervention (i.e. where the skills system will not meet demand).

DfE is providing an analytical package for all LEPs and MCAs to support the development of the SAP report which includes:

• Analytical framework for identifying skills needs

• Methodology for conducting the analysis

• Data tool that pulls together key data sources to provide a quantitative mapping of the skills system in local areas

• Example SAP report template

Warwick IER, in partnership with City-REDI, has been commissioned by DfE to undertake a rigorous external peer review of this SAPs analytical approach.

The study has:

1. Tested the robustness of the SAPs framework and methodology and provide recommendations prior to SAPs roll-out;

2. Tested the adequacy of the data to conduct a robust local skills assessment;

3. Identified where there are data gaps and make recommendations about future data collection;

4. Made recommendations on what should be in scope/out of scope in the SAP report.

5. Provided advice on what tools and resources DfE should give to LEPs/MCAs to conduct SAPs analysis.

Further details are available from Peter Dickinson: P dot Dickinson at warwick dot ac dot uk

Project Team:

Peter Dickinson (Project Investigator)

Anne Green

David Owen

Project Duration:

January 2018 - February 2018

Project funder:
