Talent Match Evaluation
Talent Match was a Big Lottery £108 million investment to tackle youth unemployment in 21 areas of England. It was targeting young people who were furthest from the jobs market, including those who are completely outside of the benefits, work and training system and facing severe barriers to gaining the skills they needed to get into work.
The aims of the evaluation and learning contract were:
To track the success of the programme and projects within into identify what works well, for whom and in what circumstances to share learning and improve practice.
Final project outputs include:
- First Annual ReportLink opens in a new window (2014) (Summary also available)
- Thematic Report on Partnership Working and DevelopmentLink opens in a new window (2014)
- Thematic Report on Early Experience of Involving Young PeopleLink opens in a new window (2014)
- Thematic Study of Employer Involvement and EngagementLink opens in a new window (2015)
- Talent Match Evaluation and Learning Contract: 2013-19 - Common Data Framework: Annual ReportLink opens in a new window (2015)
- Talent Match Evaluation and Learning Contract: Briefing ReportLink opens in a new window (2015)
- Talent Match Case Study Theme Report: Mental health and well-beingLink opens in a new window (2015)
- In-work support: What is the role of in-work support in a successful transition to sustained employment? (TM Case Study Summary Theme Report) (2016)
- Key worker models: What key worker approaches, capacity and capabilities are important at different stages of the journey to employment?Link opens in a new window (Talent Match Case Study Theme Report) (2017)
- Talent Match Evaluation: Involving Young PeopleLink opens in a new window (2018)
- Involving young people: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluationLink opens in a new window (2018)
- Talent Match Evaluation: Youth Employment PartnershipsLink opens in a new window (2018)
- Youth Employment Partnerships: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluationLink opens in a new window (2018)
- Talent Match Evaluation: Progression to EmploymentLink opens in a new window (2018)
- Progression to Employment: Lessons from the Talent Match programme evaluationLink opens in a new window (2018)
IER Project Team Member
Principal Investigator: Anne Green
Gaby Atfield
Sally-Anne Barnes
Duncan Adam
Project Duration
January 2013 - September 2018
Project Funder
Big Lottery Fund (IER is
part of a consortium led by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social