Major Group 2: Professionals
21 Physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals 211 Physicists, chemists and related professionals 2111 Physicists and astronomers 2112 Meteorologists 2113 Chemists 2114 Geologists and geophysicists 212 Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals 2121 Mathematicians and related professionals 2122 Statisticians1 213 Computing professionals2 2131 Computer systems designers, analysts and programmers 2139 Computing professionals not elsewhere classified 214 Architects, engineers and related professionals 2141 Architects, town and traffic planners 2142 Civil engineers 2143 Electrical engineers 2144 Electronics and telecommunications engineers 2145 Mechanical engineers 2146 Chemical engineers 2147 Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals 2148 Cartographers and surveyors 2149 Architects, engineers and related professionals not elsewhere classified
Definitional notes:
This sub-major group includes occupations whose main tasks require a high level of professional knowledge and experience in the physical, mathematical and engineering sciences (ILO, 1990; p.47).
1. This category should include public service officials who state that their main professional activity is associated with statistical information processing and analysis or the direct supervision of others involved in such tasks.
2. If the job title does not permit a clear distinction, additional information on level of relevant qualifications, or description of tasks may be used to allocate occupations to either minor group 213 or minor group 312 (Computer associate professionals).
22 Life science and health professionals 221 Life science professionals 2211 Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals 2212 Pharmacologists, pathologists and related professionals 2213 Agronomists and related professionals 222 Health professionals (except nursing) 2221 Medical doctors 2222 Dentists 2223 Veterinarians 2224 Pharmacists 2229 Health professionals (except nursing) not elsewhere classified 223 Nursing and midwifery professionals 2230 Nursing and midwifery professionals
Definitional notes:
Life science and health professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields such as biology, zoology, botany, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, agronomy and medicine (ILO, 1990; p.59).
No explicit changes are proposed for this sub-major group. However, it should be noted that strict application of the principle that this sub-major group be restricted to ISCO skill level 4 (education commensurate with a university degree or equivalent) may require reference to information on qualification. This is particularly the case with minor group 223 (Nursing and Midwifery professionals), where particular nursing specialisms may require such high level qualifications.
23 Teaching professionals 231 College, university and higher education teaching professionals 2310 College, university and higher education teaching professionals 232 Secondary education teaching professionals 2320 Secondary education teaching professionals 233 Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals 2331 Primary education teaching professionals 2332 Pre-primary education teaching professionals 234 Special education teaching professionals 2340 Special education teaching professionals 235 Other teaching professionals 2351 Education methods specialists 2352 School inspectors 2359 Other teaching professionals not elsewhere classified
Definitional notes:
Teaching professionals teach the theory and practice of one or more disciplines at different educational levels, conduct research and improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods pertaining to their particular discipline, and prepare scholarly papers and books (ILO 1990; p.65).
Allocation of occupations to minor groups 233 (Primary and pre-primary education teaching professionals) and 234 (Special education teaching professionals) as opposed to minor groups 331 (Primary education teaching associate professionals), 332 (Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals) and 333 (Special education teaching associate professionals) is usually performed for the entire group rather than for any part of it (ie. primary teachers are allocated either to 233 or 331, depending upon national education and training requirements). Harmonisation of national education and training requirements will eventually remove such differences. Meanwhile, it is proposed that countries indicate clearly the basis for their allocation of primary, pre-primary or special education teaching occupations to minor groups 233/234 or 331/332/333.
Headteachers are classified to unit group 1229.
24 Other professionals 241 Business professionals 2411 Accountants 2412 Personnel and careers professionals 2419 Business professionals not elsewhere classified 242 Legal professionals 2421 Lawyers 2422 Judges 2429 Legal professionals not elswhere classified 243 Archivists, librarians and related information professionals 2431 Archivists and curators 2432 Librarians and related information professionals 244 Social science and related professionals 2441 Economists1 2442 Sociologists, anthropologists and related professionals 2443 Philosophers, historians and political scientists 2444 Philologists, translators and interpreters 2445 Psychologists 2446 Social work professionals 245 Writers and creative or performing artists2 2451 Authors, journalists and other writers 2452 Sculptors, painters and related artists 2453 Composers, musicians and singers 2454 Choreographers and dancers 2455 Film, stage and related actors and directors 246 Religious professionals 2460 Religious professionals 247 Public service administrative professionals3 2470 Public service administrative professionals
Definitional notes:
Other professionals conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods, or apply knowledge relating to information dissemination and organisation of business, as well as to philosophy, law, psychology, politics, economics, history, religion, languages, sociology, other social sciences, arts and entertainment (ILO, 1990; p.72).
Depending upon the specific tasks and degree of responsibility, as well as on the national educational and training requirements, it may be appropriate to classify some of the occupations identified here into sub-major group 34 (Other associate professionals) (ILO, 1990; p.72).
1. This category should include public service officials who state that their main professional activity is associated with economic analysis or the supervision of others involved in such tasks.
2. This category is intended to include persons who require skills at the fourth ISCO skill level (university education or equivalent). Countries should indicate clearly the basis of their allocation of occupations to this minor group as opposed to minor group 347 (Artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals).
3. This is a new minor group, designed explicitly for the classification of occupations in which the primary tasks consist of general administrative functions within the public service and for which national education and training requirements stipulate a university education or equivalent. Occupations classified to this category exclude the most senior general administrative grades within the public service (classified to minor group 111 Legislators and senior government officials).