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Ceramic industry should bring carbon reducing cold sintering process out of labs and into manufacturing says new research

A new techno-economic analysis, by a team led by a researcher from WMG at the University of Warwick, shows that the energy intensive ceramic industry would gain both financial and environmental benefits if it moved to free the cold sintering process from languishing in labs to actual use in manufacturing everything from high tech to domestic ceramics.

Mon 21 Oct 2019, 09:11 | Tags: manufacturing, WMG, Materials, ceramics

Top Hong Kong entrepreneur receives Honorary Doctorate from University of Warwick

One of Hong Kong’s top entrepreneurs, Professor Roy Chung, has received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Warwick UK – his alma mater, and an institution with which he has forged many significant links throughout his career.

Business Secretary Greg Clark makes House of Commons announcement of 2 new national engineering awards in tribute to Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya

The outstanding achievements of Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya (CBE FREng FRS) are to be recognised with two dedicated tributes to continue his legacy, the Government announced today (Tuesday 16 July).

5G to rid UK of blackspots, thanks to £210,000 grant for the COCKPIT-5G project

5G will be available across the entire UK as black-spots are being identified by researchers at the School of Engineering, University of Warwick. The project COCKPIT-5G has won a £210,000 grant from Innovate UK, once they’ve identified black-spots they can enhance connectivity for businesses, AI (Artificial Intelligence), driverless cars and manufacturing.

'No deal' Brexit could put almost 20 per cent of UK jobs at risk, finds new study

In a new study, experts from Aston Business School, Warwick Business School, and the University of Warwick's Institute for Employment Research have found that a hard Brexit could disproportionately hurt economically weaker regions of the UK and recommend that a post-Brexit regional industrial strategy should focus on sectors where free trade with the EU is less important.

Smarter, greener, cleaner steel: £35 million boost for research to transform UK steel industry

A smart, green and clean steel industry will come a giant step closer thanks to a new £35 million research network, announced today, which will see steelmakers and University experts work together on a seven-year research programme to transform the UK steel sector.

Mon 11 Feb 2019, 11:00 | Tags: manufacturing, WMG, Environment, steel, Materials, Sciences

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