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Soil bacteria hormone discovery provides fertile ground for new antibiotics

An international team of scientists working at the University of Warwick, UK, and Monash University, Australia, have determined the molecular basis of a biological mechanism that could enable more efficient and cost-effective production of existing antibiotics, and also allow scientists to uncover new antibiotics in soil bacteria.

Wed 03 Feb 2021, 16:06 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, research, Life Sciences, Chemistry

New centre puts farmer priorities at heart of innovation research

Warwick joins forces with leading UK universities to focus agricultural research where it can make most difference on the ground

Chemical memory in plants affects chances of offspring survival

Researchers at the University of Warwick have uncovered the mechanism that allows plants to pass on their ‘memories’ to offspring, which results in growth and developmental defects.

Understanding lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis

For young people with cystic fibrosis, lung infection with Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, is common and is treated with antibiotics in the hope that this will prevent a decline in lung function. However there has recently been debate over the role S. aureus plays in CF lung disease. Researchers from the University of Warwick have used a new model of CF lungs which could be used to make better decisions about future use of antibiotics.

Chemical clues in leaves can reveal ash tree resistance to deadly disease

Naturally occurring compounds in ash leaves could be linked to susceptibility of individual trees to the fungal disease ash dieback (ADB). But selecting trees with lower levels of these compounds and breeding for resistance could leave the UK ash tree population open to attack from invading insect pests in the future, according to scientists at the University of Warwick.

Scientists develop genetic ‘monitors’ that detect when genes are active

Genetic sensors that can detect the activity from genes, rather than just the genes themselves, have been developed by a team led by University of Warwick scientists.

Mon 26 Oct 2020, 15:17 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, Life Sciences, genes, CRISPR, Sciences

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