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100 days to go until the British Transplant Games kick off at the University of Warwick

The University of Warwick will be hosting the 2023 British Transplant Games from July 27th to 30th. This event, which celebrates the incredible achievements of athletes who have received transplants, will be held in partnership with the West Midlands Organ Donation Services and Coventry City Council.

Tue 18 Apr 2023, 08:56 | Tags: Warwick Sport, Coventry, Organ Transplant

University of Warwick partners with UNESCO to take Coventry schoolkids to Parliament

Schoolchildren from Coventry have visited Parliament this week in a visit organised by the University of Warwick and UNESCO.

Fri 24 Mar 2023, 10:08 | Tags: council, Coventry, widening participation

25 Universities sign up to Warwick’s Taskmaster programme for disadvantaged schools

Twenty-five universities have signed up to a programme led by the University of Warwick which uses ‘Taskmaster’ style activities to teach law to less advantaged school children.

Tue 14 Feb 2023, 15:37 | Tags: partnership, Coventry, widening participation, Law

Children from Coventry schools discuss legacy of the transatlantic slave trade at cathedral

400 school children have gathered at Coventry Cathedral to explore the impact of the transatlantic slave trade.

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 12:03 | Tags: Event, community, council, Coventry, schools, Colonial Hangover, football, PAIS

Coventry community languages project wins Parliament UK award

A Coventry community language project involving the city’s schools, universities, local council, businesses and MPs has been named Parliament UK Community Campaign of the Year in the Your UK Parliament Awards 2022.

Warwick is serving up a Slice of Science this weekend

Have you ever wondered whether there were any other planets we could live on, or considered what happens after you have put that little stick up your nose for your COVID test? Fancy learning about slime or brain science – or wondered ‘exactly what is a tardigrade’? All the answers will be served – along with a cup of tea and slice of cake – at the University of Warwick’s Slice of Science event on Sunday (13 March).

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