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Antimicrobial resistance tackled with new £2.85m PhD Training Programme

New scientists will be trained to explore ways to tackle antimicrobial resistance - one of the greatest emerging threats to human health – with the creation of a £2.85m national PhD Training Programme, funded by the Medical Research Council and part-led by the University of Warwick.

Cells programmed like computers to fight disease

Cells can be programmed like a computer to fight cancer, influenza, and other serious conditions – thanks to a breakthrough in synthetic biology by the University of Warwick.

Asian hornet “adds to growing number of threats to honeybees” – Warwick research on BBC

Research to help prevent the spread of Asian hornet across the UK - carried out by the University of Warwick - was recently featured on BBC Midlands Today.

Multi-million-pound investment in a regional cryo-electron microscopy facility

A state-of-the-art Midlands regional cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) facility has been established, following a successful bid by the Universities of Warwick, Nottingham and Birmingham, led by the University of Leicester.

World’s largest Biology Olympiad comes to Coventry this summer

Over 260 young biologists from 68 countries will be coming to the University of Warwick to take part in this year’s International Biology Olympiad.

Bacteria collaborate to propel the ocean ‘engine’

Essential microbiological interactions that keep our oceans stable have been fully revealed for the first time, by researchers at the University of Warwick.

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