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How has the distribution of wealth been changing?

Is access to well-paying degrees limited to only people from particular backgrounds?

The incomes of the rich been changing compared to the rest of us, the translation of this to policy is vital in readdressing this balance.

These are just some of the types of questions this theme seeks to address. We take a broad view of inequality, from classic economic issues of differences in income and wealth, questions of who has access to educational and other opportunities, to conceptions of distributive justice. Our work comprises measurement of existing inequalities, analysis of the sources of those inequalities, and the role that policy can play to address those inequalities. We also investigate people’s perceptions of inequality and the consequences of these perceptions on their behaviour, emotions, and well-being through experiments and longitudinal studies. Our group brings together researchers from economics, psychology and law.


Find out more about research in Inequality across the GRP

Theme leads

 Dr Arun Advani
Department of Economics

Dr Michaela Gummerum
Department of Psychology