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'Behavioural Science after Academia' talk, brought to you by Cowry Consulting

WBIT are pleased to invite you to the 3rd event of the year:

'Behavioural Science after Academia' talk

Tuesday 17th of November 2020 at 17:00 (UK time)

This talk will cover not only what exactly behavioural consultancy is, but also, why it is important in business, and what you can expect should you choose to start a career in behavioural consultancy. Based in London, Cowry Consulting specialises in applying principles from behavioural economics and social psychology to solve problems business are facing and enhance the consumer experience. Major clients include Aegon, EDF, Fidelity, Sainsburys, Sky, and Tesco.

Please visit our Facebook event page for joining instructions and more information

Sarah Murray

Behavioural Consulting Lead, Cowry Consulting.

After initially graduating with a BSc in Psychology from the University of Birmingham, Sarah started her working life at an asset management company. It was through this initial foray into the world of finance that she discovered a passion for behavioural economics, and after four years she decided to switch gears and pursue a career that more prominently focused on understanding human behaviour and decision-making. After gaining a Master’s degree in Behaviour Change from UCL, Sarah started working at The Behavioural Architects as part of the Global BE Intelligence team; primarily helping advance their application of behavioural science through research and training, as well as writing articles for a variety of online publications. At the start of the year, Sarah joined Cowry as Behavioural Consulting Lead. It’s Sarah's job to utilise that passion for behavioural science and translate her knowledge and experience into practical business solutions that enhance both customer and employee experience.

Azim Arsiwala

Choice Architect, Cowry Consulting

Azim holds a Masters degree in Behavioural Economics & Science from the University of Warwick where he focused on understanding the cognitive and neuroeconomic basis of decision making. Having prior experience with applied behavioural science in a company he helped found in India, as well as experience in international behavioural public policy and healthcare projects, Azim brings to Cowry a vast toolkit in applied behavioural science. As a Choice Architect at Cowry, Azim helps clients in a multitude of industries understand the behavioural friction points that exist within their products. He also designs and runs field and online behavioural experiments where we test the efficacy of our solutions.”