Research Groups

Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE)
CAGE is a research centre based in the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick. Please visit the CAGE webpage to find out more about Professor Daniel Sgroi's work on the research theme of Behavioural Economics and Wellbeing.
Institute for Global Pandemic Planning (IGPP)
The Institute for Global Pandemic Planning, the University of Warwick will combine world-class expertise to develop comprehensive solutions for global leaders struggling to respond to the health, social, economic and psychological impacts of pandemics. You can hear from our Theme lead in Neuroscience at the IGPP webinar 'The Institute for Global Pandemic Planning: Developing a Warwick Response to Covid-19'
World Wellbeing Panel
The World Wellbeing Panel is about the promotion of wellbeing as the ultimate purpose of all major decision makers, particularly government. Our academic lead Professor Daniel Sgroi is a member of the panel along with for other University of Warwick researchers. The panel encourages debates about policy with an aim to improve better policies and decisions.
Strategic Information Network (SIN)
SIN links researchers at the University of Birmingham and University of Warwick in the UK with other collaborators. The group studies information, disclosure and decision making and is an interdisciplinary mix of psychologists, economists and behavioural scientists.
Our academic lead Professor Daniel Read is part of the SIN network, view his latest working paper with network members on 'Unpacking moral wiggle room: Information preferences and not information itself predict generosity'
Other connected centres include:
Centre for Interdisciplinary MethodologiesLink opens in a new window
The aim of this centre is to foster innovative and experimental forms of knowledge production through a sustained focus on methodology.
Centre for Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy
The centre brings together researchers of international economic law, business and commercial law, corporate governance and financial regulation.
Centre for the Study of Globalisation and RegionalisationLink opens in a new window
We bring together researchers of global order. Our themes are globalisation and regionalisation, global governance and global order and global civil society.
The Centre for the Study of Women and GenderLink opens in a new window
CSWG is a centre of research and teaching in women's, gender and feminist studies, with members from across the university.
The Institute for Global Sustainable Development
Our vision is to be at the forefront of knowledge creation, enabling transformations towards a more sustainable, prosperous, healthier and just world for all.
Warwick Data Science Institute
The institute builds upon the range of Warwick's research expertise across the Mathematical Sciences to promote innovative research collaborations that will help shape the future of data analysis.
Warwick Interdisciplinary Centre for International Development
Our centre addresses urgent problems of poverty, inequality and social and economic change. We also challenge global hierarchies of knowledge and resources.