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Professor Carsten Maple and Dr Rebecca McDonald. Speak for Yourself! Attitudes to contact tracing applications in the context of COVID-19: results from a nationally representative survey of the UK population

Speak for Yourself! Attitudes to contact tracing applications in the context of Covid-19

Professor Carsten Maple, University of Warwick and Dr Rebecca McDonald, University of Birmingham have undertaken a nationally-representative survey of the UK public to help understand public opinion on aspects of contact tracing apps.

Speak for Yourself! Attitudes to contact tracing applications in the context of COVID-19: results from a nationally representative survey of the UK population.

Tue 19 May 2020, 01:46 | Tags: Cyber Security, GRPNews, Public Engagement

Students wanted for Data Science for Social Good

Applications are now open for the second Data Science for Social Good Summer Fellowship being held at the University of Warwick.

Tue 28 Jan 2020, 16:04

Professor Maple presents at key biometric technologies event

Professor Cartsen Maple will be presenting at the Facial Recognition and Biometrics - Technology and Ethics conference at the Royal Society on Wednesday (29 January).

Tue 28 Jan 2020, 16:03

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