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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Recruitment and Selection processes

With the use of AI becoming more common place in a number of ways, here are just a few pointers to consider when using AI to apply for graduate jobs or other opportunities:

  • Follow the guidance provided- many graduate recruiters explicitly advise that AI generated applications will be rejected. If you choose to ignore this, your application will likely be discarded and this may also impact your potential to apply in future.
  • Recruiters use both AI and experienced humans to identify AI generated applications, so you are unlikely to be able to game the system.
  • Job offers can and will be rescinded if you are found to have been dishonest in your use of AI later in the process.
  • Applications: if you use AI to help prepare your applications, personalise the content that is created.
  • AI generated CVs and applications are extremely easy to recognise, so use the output it suggests as a foundation and ensure you add your own voice to it
  • Check for spelling (relevant for UK/USA errors), grammar and syntax
  • AI can be really useful in suggesting potential interview questions if you provide the appropriate prompts. Once you have generated the questions, you can then generate potential answers - again you will need to personalise these with examples of your own experience in context.
  • AI can't attend interviews on your behalf - make sure you are still well prepared and confident and comfortable talking about your skills and experience.

There are a range of resources available to help you through all of the stages of the recruitment and selection process. You can also get feedback from our job search advisers before submitting an application.


We regularly run workshops about using AI in your career planning and the applications and interview process.

Search all forthcoming workshops on myAdvantage

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