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Age / Mature Students

The term 'mature student' covers students from age 21 to pensionable age.

As a mature student you may have a lot more experience than some of your younger student colleagues. You are also likely to have already developed many different transferable skills through previous lived experiences which are very valuable in the workplace.

The amount of motivation which is connected to studying a degree later in life demonstrates your enthusiasm for learning, a quality that most employers are looking for.

Many employer presentations take place in the evenings although there are lunchtime ones as well to provide as much access as possible around your academic studies.

When you attend a careers appointment or event you are always welcome to raise any issues around your age and staff will be willing to explore age related matters sensitively.

Equality Act

Find out more about the Equality Act and the protected characteristics.

Age UK

Information from Age UK about the Equality Act and the rights it gives you around age.

Age UK

Target Jobs

Information from TARGET Jobs on your rights around ageism and marketing yourself to employers.

Further Support and Advice

Age UK

Provides information on key topics including looking for work, education and training. There is also a free advice line you can call.

Daphne Jackson Trust

Charity dedicated to returning talented scientists, engineers and technologists to careers after a break of two years or more.