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Bethany Gallagher

What degree course did you study and when did you graduate?

I studied History and Sociology and graduated the summer of 2022.

Why did you choose that particular degree course?

I chose the degree because I loved both subjects throughout school and couldn't decide! I ended up loving both subjects at university too and exploring their interlinked nature. I had no specific career in mind until my third year when I became interested in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. I knew that HR would provide me with the experience I needed which is why I applied for the job at Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire.

Tell us about your employer

Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire are a local charity working to support older people, their families and carers with the goal for all to love later life. Our vision is to create a society where we can thrive as we age, and our mission states that we want to improve later life with dignity and independence. Our values guide our everyday work: collaborative, integrity, responsive and effective.

What was the position you were recruited for. Please briefly outline the position you were recruited to within your organisation and summarise the business needs and role you fulfil

I was recruited for HR Administrator. I look after the recruitment process, manage sickness and annual leave allowance, enrol and track staff training, aid with recruitment of volunteers, attend HR meetings to take notes, ensure payroll is up to date and accurate, liaise with co-workers, senior managers and clients and generally support others in the Marketing and Administration team.

What attracted you to this position?

Apart from being a hugely important and impactful charity, I saw the experience I was going to gain from this position as something that initially attracted me to this role. Similarly, at the interview, I stated my interest in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and I was immediately met with positivity and support for this - which I didn't find at other interviews. For the duration of my employment here and from my very first week, Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire encouraged and supported me in exploring my skills. This support meant that I got the opportunity to help within other departments; the volunteering process, IT and Data departments and in Marketing and Fundraising. There was nothing that was off limits to experience and if I wanted to, I was always met with support.

What are the key skills you learnt at Warwick that have helped you with your career to date?

At Warwick I learnt how to read quickly, analyse and write information at a degree level. To organise my day, be flexible and reliable not just for myself but those around me. Ability to work independently when needed but also to work well as a team and not be afraid to seek advice when I felt it was needed. Another thing I learnt through my Joint Honours degree was the ability to deal with large workloads and meanwhile being able to maintain the good quality. In Sociology we undertook our own research and had to ensure confidentiality was maintained - playing into my daily use of GDPR guidelines at work.

What has been your greatest career challenge to date and how did your experience and skills help overcome it?

Finding my first job after university was undoubtedly my biggest challenge. Luckily, Warwick University taught me applicable skills that meant I could adapt to this working environment: skills such as essay writing, communication and teamwork skills, organisation, confidence in presenting, time management, IT skills etc.

What top tips would you give to students looking for a career in your market sector?

My top tip is to give it a go, even if the job isn't exactly what you had in mind for yourself, you may find that it is perfect for you. I found that the skills and relationships I built here opened the doors to different opportunities and reinforced a confidence in myself that was knocked through my early job search experience. I also want to emphasise how rewarding working in the charity sector is, I have attended a handful of events with clients and the work that all the factions of the charity undertake is vital in so many peoples lives - there is nothing better than seeing this first hand and feeling like what you are doing is part of a wider project to help others.

What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were applying for jobs?

That once once you have got the experience in one workplace, you can widen your search. You may discover something within the same workplace you love or find a related sector to go into. You don't have to do the same job forever, but many workplaces are excited to get younger people in to explore how they can go further and will oftentimes be keen to develop and widen your skill-set.

Any additional advice or comments?

Don't give up in your initial search for a job, apply to everything you can see yourself doing. If a workplace shows interest in developing your skill-set or nurturing your extra interests at an interview - go for it! Working for a charity is so rewarding and if you are offered the chance to see this first hand, always take it.