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EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

We are delighted that you have chosen to accept the offer of a EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship at the University of Warwick.

The Terms and Conditions of your award are listed below, we would ask that you read these carefully and complete the declaration at the bottom of this page in order to accept your offer of a scholarship. We would recommend printing this page for your own records.

By accepting the EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship award holders are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions below and are bound by the Funded PGR Student Policy. Scholars should read the Funded PGR Student Policy alongside the Terms and Conditions listed below.


The EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship is normally awarded for up to 4 years of full-time doctoral study and normally includes the payment of both academic fees and a maintenance grant to the award-holder. Funding is not retrospective.


The University’s decision over fee status will be final. By accepting the award, you are confirming that you accept your assigned fee status and are not aware of any evidence that might alter this classification. If you do not disclose such evidence and the University becomes aware of it at a later date, your EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship award may be revoked.


The EUTOPIA Co-Tutelle Award includes payment of full academic fees.

The annual stipend will be paid in line with UKRI rates and is payable in advance in twelve monthly instalments. Information About Payments.

The award includes a Researcher Training Support Grant (RTSG) of £9,900 (£2,475 per annum) for the duration of your award.


Awards for EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship in 2024/25 are ordinarily expected to begin on 30 September 2024. The award of the EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship may be deferred up until 30 December 2024 with prior permissions from the Doctoral College and your department. Deferral up to 30 March 2025 will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances with prior permission from the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies and your department.


The offer of the EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship may be rescinded if the Co-Tutelle agreement between Warwick and the agreed Co-tutelle partner University is not signed by the course start date. Stipend payments may not be released until the Co-Tutelle agreement is signed.


EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship award-holders are expected to be enrolled at Warwick and the named Co-Tutelle partner University for the duration of the PhD.


Accommodation fees are not directly covered by the EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship. The stipend is intended to be a contribution towards living expenses.


EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship award-holders are expected to be registered full-time and be based at the University, or at their Host Institution, throughout their 4 year course of study. Any requests to spend part of the period of study away from the University or their Host Institution must conform with the conditions set out in the ‘Guidelines on the Supervision of Research Students based away from the University’.


The EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship award-holder is expected to participate periodically in a range of postgraduate recruitment and community focused activities, which might include postgraduate open days; induction events; focus groups; receptions held with potential sponsors or alumni, student talks etc.

These Terms and Conditions are issued by the Academic Director, Doctoral College on behalf of the University of Warwick

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Please note: Any start date other than that detailed in your offer letter will require prior agreement from The Doctoral College.
Please tick the box to confirm you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of your EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship. (required)
Please tick the box to confirm that you accept the Terms and Conditions of your EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship. (required)
Please tick the box to confirm your acceptance of your EUTOPIA Co-tutelle PhD Scholarship. (required)
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The personal data supplied in this form will be used to record your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions for a scholarship at the University of Warwick. It may also be shared with other departments within the University of Warwick and with UK Research Councils if necessary to meet our reporting responsibilities to the Research Councils. It will not be shared with other external agencies. Data held by the department is also subject to the central University Data Protection Policy, which can be viewed at:

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