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What leads to change in Psychotherapy? Richard Davis wins Inspirational award and publishes two chapters in book.

Richard Davis, Senior Teaching Fellow Counselling/Psychotherapy, has been credited for his inspirational and generous attitude by receiving the Inspirational award in our Transforming Education Awards 2021.

Term one feedback from students

At the end of term one, the University ran an end of term survey to assess how the changes to teaching and learning had been received by current students. We are delighted to share the fantastic results from this survey. Students commended the support they had received from their personal tutors and staff at CLL.

% positive 

The combined approach of online and face to face teaching 

The quality of online teaching offered by your department 

Changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively 

Academic support from your department this term 

Connection with your department (e.g. personal or senior tutor, other staff) 

Centre for Lifelong Learning 






Thu 28 Jan 2021, 14:43 | Tags: Warwick Warwick University Students teaching CLL

Dr Alan Dolan and Kay McEvoy rewarded for their 21 years service at Warwick!

Dr Alan Dolan, Associate Professor and Director of Social Work and Kay McEvoy, Recruitment and Marketing Manager both received an award for their 21 years service at Warwick.

Alan did an interview with the central communications team where he shared his experience of the past 21 years at Warwick. He commented how his colleagues and the students are the reason he's stayed here so long. You can read his full interview here.

Thu 17 Oct 2019, 10:06 | Tags: CLL Coventry Events Social Work UK Warwick careers teaching

Early Years team attended the Exhibition of Childhood

The Early Years team went on a guided tour of an exhibition of childhood at Compton Verney. The exhibition addressed a range of themes including royalty, play, learning, dreams, families, animals and nature. This was an opportunity to view and reflect on a selection of portraits and scenes with children as the main subject.

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