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Emotional Resilience – Presentation to the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET)

Two members of the CLL team have been invited by Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) to share with other ITE colleagues, their work on developing resilience in trainee teachers using emotional resilience and techniques found in the study of mindfulness. The presentation will take place in London on Friday 8 February 2019, with Ellen Buttler, Director of Initial Teacher Training and Essential Skills Programmes and Dean Howes, Teaching Fellow at the Centre sharing how students can better understand how to develop their ability to cope during emotionally challenging and stressful times.

PGDE bursaries have now been confirmed for future English and Maths FE Teachers

The Department for Education have this month announced the bursary rates for 18/19, for training FE teachers, with an updated bursary for English subject teachers. The financial incentive behind the bursary launch is to attract new high-quality graduates to become teachers in the FE sector.