Course overview
The EngD at WMG brings real-world industry insight through focussing your research on industry-based engineering projects, whilst working with supervisors from both academic and industry backgrounds.
Your final submission will be in the form of a portfolio, rather than a single project, allowing for a broader range of knowledge and the ability to stay ahead of the game and fit the changing needs of industry.
Alongside your research, you will complete taught modules to broaden your knowledge in best industrial practice and develop key competencies needed to succeed in industry today.
Teaching and learning
Taught modules are normally delivered in intensive one-week blocks. They are taught through a variety of learning activities: lectures, seminar work, syndicate group activities, industrial games, practical exercises and case studies to encourage teamwork and practical grounding of the material. E-learning and forum activities are widely used to complement these activities.
Modules are assessed by assignment, not exam, although for some modules there may be a test that will form part of the assessment.