Traditional lectures, seminars, group exercises, case studies and projects will be paired with innovative learning experiences, such as using film, drama, business simulation software and role play.
Class sizes
At Warwick class sizes comprise of around 45 students, whilst in London class sizes vary from 25-45 depending on format chosen.
Typical contact hours
Modules are typically 27 contact hours, which would be split across the teaching pattern of the particular module (weekends, block, or evenings).
Your learning will be assessed through a variety of methods including individual written assignments, case study analysis, group work presentations and reports.
Strategic consulting project or dissertation
You will have the choice to undertake either a strategic consulting project or traditional dissertation. The strategic consulting project focuses on practice and is based in an employment setting. You will work as part of a group on the project with 10% of your assessment being based on group work and 90% based on an individual consulting report. This is your opportunity to consolidate everything you have learnt and apply it to a real business. Academically, it tests your ability to apply your learning to real management issues. Professionally, it may well open the door to your next career move.
If you choose to undertake the dissertation option, although more academic with a focus on theory, it is still highly relevant in the world of business. It will demonstrate that you can assimilate your learning, take multiple perspectives on a business issue and explore your subject thoroughly.