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Senior Tutor 2021-22

Wellbeing and support services

  • The Wellbeing portal is still the key place to send students (virtually in the first instance); they can triage enquiries to appropriate psychological/ financial/ housing etc. support. Counselling is currently via Teams, but individual.; 024 7657 5570
  • See the Wellbeing updates for this year below -- a new Wellbeing programme has been added. Do let students know about this where appropriate.


  • We have developed a 5-session Wellbeing Programme - Steps to WellbeingLink opens in a new window to equip our student population to thrive whilst they study with us. This rolling programme will offer 5 one hour interactive sessions on key wellbeing issues -students can book themselves onto the 5 week programme to gain the key skills and strategies they need to navigate the challenges of student life:

- Managing Stress and Anxiety

- Productivity and Work: Life Balance

- Managing Change and Uncertainty

- Boosting low mood

- Sleep and relaxation




Mitigating Circumstances

During your degree you may encounter exceptional unforeseen short-term circumstances which are outside your control and might have a detrimental effect on your studies. The Mitigating Circumstances process exists to inform the exam board about these in case they have affected your studies, and to allow them to take these circumstances into account when making decisions about your assessment, progression and degree classification.

Instructions about filling in a Mitigating Circumstances form through the English department, including a guide to what constitutes suitable evidence, are to be found in the English Undergraduate Handbook here: Wellbeing Support, Disability and Mitigating Circumstances (

There is a helpful video walking you through how to fill in the form, as well as other information and advice, on this page: Declare mitigating circumstances - Tabula Manual (

The Mitigating Circumstances process cannot change marks, and it is completely separate from Extensions, which are applied for through a separate system on Tabula. Filling in a 'Mit Circs' form cannot get you an extension or affect extensions you already have, so make sure you still go through that different process if you need to. (You apply for extensions through Tabula, and decisions are made by the Director of Undergraduate Studies for your year (or degree convenor in the case of MA students). The process for undergraduates is explained here: Your Assessments ( and for MA students here: Your Assessments (

Other resources for student support

  • The student and staff mental health online support service the Big White Wall has now changed its name to Togetherall. This offers workshops and online group sessions with trained mental health professionals and may be a good stop-gap while students wait for counselling. (students/staff)
  • SU Advice centre (students)

Useful documents

First meeting with a personal tutee:

Personal tutor agreement

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion statement

Subsequent meetings:

Personal Development Plan form

Checklists for personal tutee meetings (Years 1-3):

Checklist for First Year UG Personal Tutee meetings