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Course Structure

Course Structure

All MA students follow the HI989 ‘Historical Research: Theory, Skill & Method’ (TSM) module. Students following the MAs in Modern, Global and Comparative, and Early Modern History follow one course-specific core module and two optional modules, selected from an available list. Students on the MA in the History of Medicine are required to take two course-specific core modules and one optional module from the same list. All modules, apart from HI989, are delivered via nine two-hour seminars over one term.

As a PGT student, you will be required to complete 180 credits as part of your MA degree. The Dissertation module is worth 60 CATS and all other modules are 30 CATS each. Most UK universities refer to credits as CATS (Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme), and so a 30 credit module will often be referred to as a 30 CATS module.

Module Registration

MA optional modules run in the Spring term and must be formally chosen and registered for.

Your choices for the MA optional modules must be submitted by the online form (above).

This form must be submitted by the end of week 2 of the Autumn term and the results of the module allocation will be circulated to students by the end of week 4 of the Autumn term. Places are not allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, but instead, all students who submit their module nomination form by the relevant deadline are given due consideration. Students may resubmit the form with different nominations as often as they wish before the submission deadline; the last form submitted by each student will be used in the module allocation process. Those students who fail to submit a form by the deadline are required to wait until the module allocation process has been completed for those students who submit by the deadline, and then to make their choices from the reduced number of module places that still remain available.

The list of option modules will change from year to year depending on a variety of factors including staff availability, and a list of available modules will be announced prior to the module nomination process opening. Students are advised to wait until the list of available modules is announced before deliberating over which modules to nominate as their preferred choices. Please note that the modules listed in that announcement are those that the department intends to run, based on the latest information regarding staff availability, but that teaching staff availability can change (e.g., retirements, parental leave, or ill health), which may require the withdrawal of modules at a later point. If that is the case, students will be notified accordingly.

Please refer to the list of available MA modules (above).


You will be able to access your timetable through your Tabula profile. You will be able to see the day, time and location of your lectures and classes that you are required to attend. Your timetable for Term 2 will not be confirmed until your optional modules have been allocated.

Please note some of your classes may not be arranged through the University’s Central Timetabling Office. They are organised locally by the department concerned. This means that they will not appear in your personalised timetable. You will need to contact the department that is running the module in order to find out when these sessions are running or to sign up for a seminar group.

If you have any issues with your timetable, for example, if you think there is something missing or you have a clash, please contact

Part-time Study

We generally recommend that part-time students follow the mandatory Theory, Skill, Method (TSM) module in the autumn term and one optional module in the spring term during their first year, to spread the workload as evenly as possible. This will mean that the course-specific core module and the second optional module are followed in the second year. (If students have external commitments which mean that a different structure is more appropriate, this can normally be accommodated.)

Work on part-time students’ dissertations will be ongoing from the point at which they are assigned a supervisor but will be concentrated during the summer terms and vacations, and they will be required to submit this in the September of their second year. Please see the Dissertation Timeline for further details



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