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What are Mitigating Circumstances? 

During your studies, you may experience exceptional unforeseen circumstances that are outside your control and might have a detrimental effect on your studies. Examples of mitigating circumstances could include a bereavement, illness of yourself or someone close to you, an unexpected change in personal or financial circumstances, or being a victim of crime, harassment or bullying. Additionally, some students receive a late diagnosis of a specific learning need/disability, so Reasonable Adjustments may not be in place. These scenarios are dealt with through the University's Mitigating Circumstances process. 

Mitigating Circumstances are unforeseen events or circumstances that significantly negatively impact your ability to complete or study effectively in preparation for summative assessment tasks such as essays, written or oral examinations, or assessed presentations.  

If you wish your circumstances to be considered in time for the end of year Board of Examiners, you must make an application for Mitigating Circumstances. All applications for mitigation will be considered by a small and confidential Mitigating Circumstances Committee (MCP). The MCP is made up of Senior Tutors, the Student Progression and Support Coordinator and the UG Coordinator. They will review each case and make a recommendation to the end of year Board of Examiners. Please note that only the MCP will see the details you disclose and information will not be shared further without your consent. Please note that while we acknowledge that cultural attitudes to disclosing personal information may vary, you are expected to fully disclose all matters you wish to have considered by the Board of Examiners. 

How do I apply for Mitigating Circumstances? 

If you are unsure whether something that has happened to you or someone close to you is eligible to be considered as a Mitigating Circumstance, it is likely to qualify if it was unforeseeable or beyond your control and if it also had a significant impact on your ability to prepare for or complete the assessment(s) in question. If you are in any doubt about whether something that has happened to you or someone close to you is eligible for consideration, then you should consult your Personal Tutor, Senior Tutor,  Wellbeing Support Services or one of the advisers at the Students' Union Advice Centre. You can also speak to the PGT Coordinator or the Student Progression and Support Coordinator, based in the UG Office. Even if the event or circumstance is not eligible for consideration in this way, it may nevertheless be something for which you should seek support. 

Mitigating Circumstances applications should be made via the Personal Circumstances section of your Tabula profile. For a step-by-step guide on how to complete this form, please refer to this guide: 

Once you have submitted your application, you are free up edit and update it at any time. If you wish to add further evidence, you can send it as an attachment in the chat function. If you have any queries about your application after submitting it, please use the chat function within the application to communicate with the PG History Office or speak with your Personal Tutor. 

Deadlines for submitting mitigating circumstances

28 October 2024: for circumstances impacting the academic year 2023-24 (Dissertations and resit assignments)

22 May 2025: for circumstances impacting the academic year 2024-25

TBC October/November 2025: for circumstances impacting the academic year 2024-25 (Dissertations and resit assignments)

What evidence is required? 

We recommend you carefully consider the evidence requirements. We understand that obtaining supporting documentation can be challenging, so we encourage you to submit the form pending the supply of supporting documentation. It is your responsibility to ensure that your evidence is formal, relevant to the time frame, and attests to the impact the circumstances have had on your ability to complete work on time and to the best of your ability. 

All non-English language documents must be provided in English, formally translated by a translation service. For medical circumstances, please be aware that a photograph of a prescription is not sufficient evidence, and a dated doctor’s note should be provided. 


What can Mitigation do? 

The Mitigating Circumstances Panel (MCP) includes the Senior Tutor team, the Student Progression and Support Coordinator and the PGT Coordinator. They review all cases and evidence received throughout the academic year. The content of your application stays confidential to these members of staff. A severity grading and recommended actions are communicated to the examination board, but your specific circumstances are not disclosed. 

Possible recommendations include waiving late penalties, offering further first attempts (FFAs) or further capped resits and recommending the circumstances be taken into consideration during final degree classification decisions. The Mitigating Circumstances process cannot change raw marks for individual modules or assessments. For further information on the possible effects of your Mitigating Circumstances claim being accepted, see Mitigating Circumstances Process and Procedures. 


When will I receive my outcome? 

The department receives hundreds of Mitigating Circumstances applications each year, and so the administrative processes surrounding the application of outcomes are complex. You may notice some minor changes in Tabula, such as late penalties being waived, however we cannot provide information on your mitigation outcome until results day. Outcomes of Mitigating Circumstances cases are formally available on the same day results are released for your year group.



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