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Wellbeing Support Services provide a range of services that can help you to develop the personal resources and skills you need to navigate the challenges and opportunities of student life.

The Wellbeing Support Team offers practical advice and emotional support for your wellbeing and help to access other services.
The Disability Team offers support to manage the impact of a disability, including specific learning differences, mental health, autism spectrum and long term medical conditions.
The Counselling and Psychology Interventions Team (CAPIT) offers a range of therapeutic interventions for students experiencing emotional or psychological issues.

Further information on these services and the support on offer to students please see


Health and Wellbeing

Your Personal Tutor is not an expert in health and wellbeing issues - which are best discussed with your GP/healthcare provider. The University Support Services (Disability Services, Mental Health, Counselling and Wellbeing) are available on campus if you need professional support with any issues. Your Personal Tutor’s role here is to signpost you to these specialist services and to discuss with you how to manage any impact issues are having on your academic studies and any adjustments that might be recommended. Once you have met with the specialist services, it is a good idea for you to update your Personal Tutor so they are aware of the support you are receiving.

Report + Support

Everyone at the University of Warwick, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. Harassment of any kind is completely unacceptable, and our community is an environment where prejudice and socially unacceptable behaviour are never tolerated. If you feel you have been a victim of harassment, please visit the Report + Support websiteLink opens in a new window and consider either reporting it anonymously, or speaking with an advisor.

Temporary Withdrawal

All students can request a period of temporary withdrawal, which is an approved break from study. Students can request temporary withdrawal for financial, medical, parental, or personal reasons. For postgraduate taught students, the minimum period of temporary withdrawal is 3 months. For more information on temporary withdrawal, see here. 

If you are considering a period of temporary withdrawal, please follow these steps: 


  • Speak to your personal tutor or senior tutor for advice about your situation and whether temporary withdrawal would be suitable for you. 
  • Email to ask about applying for temporary withdrawal. We will be able to support you with your request, answer questions about temporary withdrawal and explain factors that you might need to consider.
  • Speak to Student Finance about the possible financial implications of a period of temporary withdrawal. The department is not able to give financial advice. 
  • Submit a temporary withdrawal request on eVision. Please do not do this until you have spoken to your tutor and the PG History Office. 


If you have any questions about temporary withdrawal, please speak to your personal tutor or email the PG History Office.



Welfare and Support

Course Regulations


Personal Development

Student Voice