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Dr Olga Castro

Dr Olga CastroReader in Translation Studies (on leave until December 2027)

FAB 4.67, University of Warwick
Coventry, England, Great Britain CV4 7AL
+44 (0)24 765 24419 |
Twitter: @olgacastro80

Current position

I am currently on leave at Warwick, while completing a 4-year "Beatriz Galindo Distinguished Senior Researcher" fellowship at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Catalonia, funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades. For latest publications, check my Research Portal at the UAB.

About me

Olga Castro joined Warwick in 2019 as Assistant Professor in Translation Studies. As Associate Professor, between 2020-2023 she served as Deputy Director of Graduate Studies (PG Taught Programmes) at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures and was also programme director of the MA Translation and CulturesLink opens in a new window, before being promoted to the position of Reader in 2023. In December 2023 she was awarded a 4-year research fellowship as 'Beatriz Galindo Distinguised Senior Researcher' at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Olga is Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK since 2014.

Prior to joining Warwick in 2019, Olga was Lecturer in Translation Studies and Director of Postgraduate Studies in Translation Studies at Aston University, Teaching Fellow in Translation at the University of Exeter and Teaching Associate at the Universidade de Vigo, Galicia. She obtained her PhD from the Universidade de Vigo, with International Doctorate Mention, and was awarded an Extraordinary Doctorate Prize for the best thesis in the humanities in 2010. Olga has been awarded the accreditation as "Profesora Titular de Universidad" by the Spanish HE Agency ANECA, and sworn translator and interpreter Galician-English. Between 2017 and 2021 she was Vice-president of APTIS, the Association of Programmes in Translation and Interpreting Studies in the UK and Ireland. She is correspondent member of the RAGLink opens in a new window, the Royal Academy for the Galician Letters. She is also co-founder and co-editor of the new journal Feminist Translation Studies (Taylor & Francis).

Research interests

Olga’s main research areas include feminist translation studies (namely approaches from historiography, literature, cultural studies and linguistics), women writers in translation, translation in minorised and non-hegemonic cultures, the analysis of transnational travels of texts, as well as self-translation in multilingual contexts. Overall, her research focuses on the social and political role of translation in the construction of gender and cultural/national identities in a transnational world, with a particular focus on the non-hegemonic cultural/linguistic contexts of Spain. Olga also has publications in the fields of Gender and Media Studies, Feminist Linguistics and Galician Studies.

Doctoral supervision

I offer PhD supervision to students who intend to work on topics closely related to feminist translation studies, especially from a transnational perspective, as well as translation in non-hegemonic cultures. Please check eligibility criteria on the PhD in Translation and Transcultural Studies websiteLink opens in a new window.

However, I am unable to take new prospective PhD students while I am on leave.

PhD students currently supervised:

  • Belen Rodriguez Salvatierra. Feminist Decolonial Geopolitics in Translation: The Representation of Chilean Contemporary Women Writers in the English-Language Literary Market; main supervisor.
  • Laura Woolley-Nunez. Recovering Anti-Francoist Women's Voices: A Feminist Translation of Maria Teresa León's Memoria de la melancolia; main supervisor.
  • Daniel Cabeza-Campillo. Brexit in News Translation: Critical Metaphor Analysis in British and Spanish online media (2016-2022); main supervisor.
  • Raghad Melfi. Gender Representation in the English Subtitles of Saudi Feminist Films: A Reception Study; main supervisor.
  • Xinyao Zhang. Recontextualisation and Translators' Subjectivity: the Chinese Feminist Translations of A Room of One's Own across a Century; main supervisor.

PhD students supervised to successful completion:

  • Katherine Osgood. Translation, Gender, and Empire: Women Arabic Translators in Victorian Britain. (Main supervisor). Awarded in 2021.
  • Konstantinos Plisiotis. Greece in Translation: (Re)constructing Online Narratives of Nation and Identity in Tourism and Culture (Main supervisor). Awarded in 2020.
  • Claudine Borg. A Literary Translation in the Making: Investigating in-depth the Process and Product of a Literary Translation from French into Maltese. Associate supervisor. Awarded in 2017.

Administrative roles

School Deputy Director of Graduate Studies, PG Taught programmes (2020-2023)

Programme Director, MA in Translation and Cultures (2020-2023). For updates: @Warwick_Transla

Admissions Lead for Hispanic Studies (2019-2020)

Recent funded research projects

Personal fellowship: "Beatriz Galindo Senior Distinguished Researcher", funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as host institution, EUR 260k (December 2023-December 2027).

Co-I: "Feminist Translation Network", led by Dr Hilary Brown as PI (University of Birmingham), c. GBP 30k funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, AHRC Network scheme (2024-2025). See project websiteLink opens in a new window.

Team Member: "Translation and Reception of Contemporary Feminisms in Catalonia", led by Dr Lupe Romero as PI (UAB), EUR 7,748 funded by the UAB Solidarity Fund / FSLXI del Fons de Solidaritat (2024-2025). Code: FS41-04.

Principal Investigator: "Changing the Translation Landscape from Multilingual Spain: Cultural Diplomacy and the UK Publishing Industry", c. GBP 8k funded by the Arts and Humanities Impact Fund (2022-2023).

Co-I: "Action Translate: Enacting Authentic, Intercultural Learning through a Collaborative International Online Translation Experience", co-led with Dr Margherita Angelucci (Monash, Australia), c. GBP 32k funded by the Monash-Warwick Alliance's Education Fund (2022-2024).

Principal Investigator: "Stateless Cultures in Translation: the case of 21st century Basque, Catalan and Galician literatures in the UK", c. GBP 10k funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grant scheme (2018-2021).

For more info about these two impact-driven projects, please see hereLink opens in a new window. Check out my collections on Wakelet: this collection about the London Book Fair and this other collection about a public engagement event at the Institute Cervantes London.

Founder and editor-in-chief of journals

Castro, Olga & María Laura Spoturno. Founders and general editors of Feminist Translation StudiesLink opens in a new window, to be published by Taylor & Francis from 2024.

Authored and edited books

Castro, Olga and Helen Vassallo (eds.). 2020. Translating Women in the Anglosphere: Activism in Action. ITI Research eBook, published by the Institute of Translators and Interpreters in the UK. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Emek Ergun (eds.). 2017. Feminist translation studies: local and transnational perspectives. London: Routledge, 281 pp. (See contents hereLink opens in a new window). Read authors interview at LSE Review of Books blog.

Castro, Olga, Sergi Mainer and Svetlana Page (eds.). 2017. Self-translation and power: negotiating identities in multilingual European contexts. London: Palgrave-MacMillan, 302 pp. (See contents here).

Castro, Olga and María Liñeira (eds). 2015. Trama e urda: Contribucións multidisciplinares desde os estudos galegos. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, 328 pp. (See contents here).

Castro, Olga and María Reimóndez. 2013. Feminismos. Vigo: Edicións Xerais. 294 pp. Info hereLink opens in a new window.

Edited journal special issues

Castro, Olga, Emek Ergun, Maria Laura Spoturno and Luise von Flotow (eds.). 2020. Special issue on Feminist Translation Studies, Mutatis Mutandis, Latin American Translation Journal 13(1). (See contents here).

Castro, Olga and Laura Linares (eds.). 2019. Special issue on Translation and Interpreting Studies, Galicia 21. Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies, issue I. (See contents hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and María Liñeira (eds.). 2015. Special issue on “Crevices Exposed. Blind Spots in Galician Textuality”, journal Abriu: Textuality Studies in Brazil, Galicia and Portugal 4. (See contents hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga (ed.). 2013. Special issue on “Gender and Translation”, journal Gender and Language 7. (See contents hereLink opens in a new window).

Journal articles and book chapters

Castro, Olga, Emek Ergun, Maud A. Bracke, William J. Spurlin, and Luciana C. Fonseca (2024). "Transnationalizing Feminist Translation Studies? Insights from the Warwick School of Feminist Translation: A Roundtable." Journal of Feminist Scholarship 24 (Spring): 4-26. (Available here).Link opens in a new window

Castro, Olga (2024). "La traducción feminista en la práctica del aula. Experiencia docente en el campo de los estudios culturales hispánicos". Quaderns, Revista de Tradució, 31, 179-197. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Beatriz Regina Guimarães Barboza (2024). “Tradução feminista além dos binários: os gêneros como desafios de tradução.” In: Dennys Silva-Reis and Vinícius Martins Flores (ed.) Estudos de Tradução & Comunidade LGBT. Sobre vozes entendidas e transformistas textuais. Salvador-Bahia: Editora Devires, 111-144. (Contents here).

Castro, Olga and Laura Linares. 2022. “Translating the literatures of stateless cultures in Spain: translation grants and institutional support at the Frankfurt Book Fair.” Perspectives, Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 30(5), 792-810 (Info hereLink opens in a new window)

Castro, Olga. 2022. "La internacionalización de la literatura gallega: diplomacia cultural, red académica y traducción". Ínsula, revista de letras y ciencias humanas 912, 35-39. (Info here)

Castro, Olga and Laura Spoturno. 2022. "Translation and Feminisms". Dictionnaire du genre en traduction / Dictionary of Gender in Translation / Diccionario del género en traducción. ISSN: 2967-3623. Published on 19 May 2022. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Laura Spoturno. 2022. "Feminismos e tradução: apontamentos conceituais e metodológicos para os estudos feministas transnacionais de tradução" (translation of Castro & Spoturno 2020, by Maria Barbara Florez Valdez and Beatriz Regina Guimarães Barboza). Cadernos de Tradução 42(1), 1-59. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga. 2021. “Identidade cultural galega nun mundo transnacional: achegas desde a interseccionalidade e o marco decolonial.” In: Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel & D. Vilavedra (coord.) A identidade cultural galega en tempos da globalización. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega & Museo do Pobo Galego, 43-57.

Castro, Olga. 2021. “¿Rutas diversas para un mismo fin? El apoyo institucional a la traducción de las literaturas en catalán, gallego, valenciano y vasco en la Feria del libro de Fráncfort.” In: Carmen Villarino, Ana Luna and Iolanda Galanes (eds.), Promoción literaria, cultural y traducción en la actualidad. Ferias internacionales del libro e invitados de honor. Bern: Peter Lang, 225-241. (Info hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Laura Sporturno. 2021. “How Rebel Can Translation Be? A (Con)textual Study of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls and its Spanish Translations.” In: Maud Bracke, Julia Bullock, Penelope Morris and Kristina Schult (eds.) Translating Feminism. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text, Place and Agency. London: Palgrave-MacMillan, 227-256. (Info hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga. 2021. “On the Margins and Beyond: Contemporary Galician Women Fiction Writers in Multilingual Spain and the Anglosphere.” In: Angela Fitzgerald (ed.), Women’s lived experiences of the gender gap: Gender inequalities from a global perspective. New York: Springer, 73-82. (Info hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Rábade Villar, María do Cebreiro. 2021. “Feminismos gallegos posteriores a 1996.” In: Silvia Bermúdez and Roberta Johnson (eds.) Una nueva historia de los feminismo ibéricos. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc, 549-565.

Cabré, Maria Àngels; Olga Castro and Roberta Johnson. 2021. “Los inicios del feminismo español de la primera ola en los territorios de habla castellana, gallega y catalana.” In: Silvia Bermúdez and Roberta Johnson (eds.) Una nueva historia de los feminismo ibéricos. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc, 303-325.

Castro, Olga and Helen Vassallo. 2020. “Women Writers in Translation in the UK: the ‘Year of Publishing Women’ (2018) as a platform for collective change?” In: Luise von Flotow and Hala Kamal (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Feminism and Gender. London: Routledge, 127-146. (Info here).

Castro, Olga and Laura Sportuno. 2020. “Feminismos y traducción: apuntes conceptuales y metodológicos para una traductología feminista transnacional”, Mutatis Mutandis, Latin American Translation Journal 13(1), 11-44. (Available here).

Castro, Olga, Emek Ergun, María Laura Spoturno and Luise von Flotow (eds.). 2020. “Introduction: Towards Transnational Feminist Translation?” Mutatis Mutandis, Latin American Translation Journal 13(1), 2-10. (Available here).

Castro, Olga. 2020. “Por una geopolítica feminista de la traducción: escritoras (gallegas) traducidas en el mercado editorial británico.” Transfer. Revista de traducción e interculturalidad 15(1-2), 52-92. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Laura Linares. 2019. “Editorial. Transnational Encounters: Crossing Borders in Galician Translation and Interpreting Studies,” Galicia 21. Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies, Issue I, 4-10. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Emek Ergun. 2018. “Translation and Feminism.” In: Jon Evans and Fruela Fernandez (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics. London: Routledge, 125-143. (Info here).

Castro, Olga and Roberta Johnson. 2018. “First Wave Spanish Feminism Takes Flight in Castilian-, Catalan-, and Galician-speaking Spain”. In: Silvia Bermúdez and Roberta Johnson (eds.) A New History of Iberian Feminisms. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 221-235.

Castro, Olga. 2018. “Comunicare su diverse lunghezze d’onda? Il collegamento mancante tra la linguistica femminista e gli studi traduttologici” [trans. Silvia Bruti]. In: Elena Di Giovanni and Serenella Zanotti (eds.) Donne in traduzione. Milan: Giunti/Bompiani, 375-412. [Translation into Italian of: Castro 2013]

Kastro, Olga. 2018. “No seksisma brīvs tulkojums un sociālās pārmaiņas: dzimtes aspekti tulkošanā” [trans. Irina Novikova]. In: Irina Novikova (ed.) Dzimte un tulkošana [lit. Gender and Translation]. Riga: LU Akadēmiskajā apgādā [University of Latvia Press], 95-111. [Translation into Latvian of: Castro Vázquez 2010] (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Emek Ergun. 2017. “Pedagogies of Feminist Translation: Rethinking Difference and Commonality across Borders”. In: Olga Castro and Emek Ergun (eds.) Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives. London: Routledge, 93-108.

Castro, Olga and Emek Ergun. 2017. “Introduction: Re-Envisioning Feminist Translation Studies: Feminisms in Translation, Translations in Feminism”. In: Olga Castro and Emek Ergun (eds.) Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives. London: Routledge, 1-12.

Castro, Olga, Sergi Mainer and Svetlana Page. 2017. “Introduction: Self-Translating, from Minorisation to Empowerment”. In: Olga Castro, Sergi Mainer and Svetlana Page (eds.) Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in Multilingual European Contexts. London: Palgrave-MacMillan, 1-22.

Castro, Olga. 2017. “(Re)examinando horizontes nos estudos feministas de tradução: em direção a uma terceira onda?” [Trans. Beatriz Regina Gimarães Barboza]. TradTerm 29, 216-250. [Translation into Portuguese of: Castro Vázquez 2009] (Available hereLink opens in a new window)

Castro, Olga. 2015. “Conciencia e consciencia de xénero na linguaxe: ou como arreporse contra a deslexitimación da linguaxe non sexista”. In: María José Méndez Lois and Celso Taboada Lorenzo (coords.), Mellora da comunicación igualitaria: análise e estratexias socioeducativas. Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico USC. 9-25.

Castro, Olga. 2014. “A representación de Rosalía de Castro no ámbito anglófono: feminismo en tradución”. In: Rosario Álvarez, Anxo Angueira, María Rábade Villar and Dolores Vilavedra (eds). Rosalía de Castro no século XXI. Unha nova ollada, Santiago de Compostela: Consello Cultura Galega. 649-666. (Full book available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga. 2013. “Talking at Cross-Purposes? The Missing Link between Feminist Linguistics and Translation Studies”, Gender and Language 7:1, 31-54. (Available here).

Castro, Olga. 2013. "Introduction: Gender, language and translation at the crossroads of disciplines". Gender and Language 7:1, 5-12. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga. 2012. “La traducción como mecanismo de (re)canonización: el discurso nacional y feminista de Rosalía de Castro en sus traducciones a inglés”, Quaderns: Revista de traducció 19, 199-207. (Available here).

Castro, Olga. 2011. “Galician Women Translators in the 20th Century: Rewriting the History of Translation from a Gender and National Approach”. MonTi 3 (Monograph Women and Translation), 107-153. (Available here).

Castro, Olga. 2011. “Apropiación cultural en las traducciones de una obra (autotraducida): la proyección exterior de Herba moura, de Teresa Moure’”. In: Xosé Manuel Dasilva (ed.) Aproximaciones a la autotraducción. Vigo: Academia del Hispanismo, 23-43.

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2011. “Feminismo nacionalista nunha nación patriarcal: análise da proposta e recepción crítica da obra de Queizán”. In: Camiño Noia & Manuel Forcadela (eds.) Cara a unha poética feminista: homenaxe a María Xosé Queizán. Vigo: Xerais, 81-110.

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2011. “Non-Sexist Translation and/in Social Change”. In: Carol Maier & Julie Bóerie (eds.) Translation/Interpreting and Social Activism. Granada: ECOS, 2010. 106-120.

Castro Vázquez, Olga and Craig Patterson. 2010. “De cara a Forever in Galicia: traducir a Castelao no contexto recente da literatura galega traducida a inglés”. In: Burghard Baltrusch, Gabriel Pérez Durán & Kathrin Sartingen (eds.) Soldando sal. Galician Studies in Translation & Paratranslation. Munich: Maidenbacher, 131-150.

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2010. “La otra violencia en los medios de comunicación: una aproximación a la construcción discursiva de las relaciones de género”. In: Belén Martín Lucas (ed.) Violencias (In)visibles: intervenciones feministas frente a la violencia patriarcal. Barcelona: Icaria, 91-114.

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2009. “El género (para)traducido: pugna ideológica en la traducción y paratraducción de O curioso incidente do can a medianoiteQuaderns: Revista de Traducció 16, 251-264. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2009. “(Re)examining Horizons in Feminist Translation Studies: Towards a Third Wave?”. MonTi 1: Monograph A (Self-)Critical Perspective of Translation Theories, 59-86. (Available here).

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2008. “(Para)Translated Ideologies in Simone de Beauvoir’s Le deuxième sexe: The (Para)Translator’s Role”. In: Teresa Seruya & Maria Lin Moniz (eds.), Translation and Censorship in Different Times and Landscapes. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 130-146.

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2008. “Género y traducción: elementos discursivos para una reescritura feminista”. Lectora, revista de dones i textualitá 14, 285-301. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2008. “From the Local to the Global: Feminist and Postcolonial Approaches to the Relationship between the Antipodes (Galicia-Australia)”. Antipodas Journal, Special IssueAustralia and Galicia: Defeating the Tyranny of Distance’, 161-188.

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2006. “Ideoloxías textuais e paratextuais nas traducións de Le deuxième sexe, de Simone de Beauvoir”. Viceversa, revista galega de tradución, 12, 49-78.

Castro Vázquez, Olga. 2005. “As traducións de literatura galega no Reino Unido. A situación actual e proxección de futuro” Anuario de Estudos Literarios Galegos 2005, 22-37.

Dissemination and interviews

Castro, Olga. 2022. "En-Gender Conversations: Translating Feminism". En-Gender Academia (podcast), 27 May 2022. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga, 2021. Series "Feminist Translation Studies Research Forum". Topic: "Feminist Activism and Translation in a Transnational World". Conversation with Dr Anissa Daoudi, University of Birmingham, UK, streaming online. 27 March 2021. [in English]. Available here.

Castro, Olga. 2020. "Plume interviews Olga Castro". Project Plume, online, 20 August 2020. (Available here).

Castro, Olga and Helen Vassallo. 2020. "The Necessity of Translating Women: Monica Manolachi Interviewing Helen Vasallo and Olga Castro". Asymptote Journal, 12 February 2020. (Available hereLink opens in a new window).

Castro, Olga and Ergun Ergun. 2018. “Author Interview: Q&A with Olga Castro and Emek Ergun, editors of Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives”, London School of Economics Review of Books, 12 December 2018. (Available here).

Castro, Olga. 2017. “Women writers’ work is getting lost in translation”. The Conversation, 21 June 2017. (Available here).

Series Càpsula de traducció:Link opens in a new window "Feminismo y traducción": Interview by Caterina Riba, University of Vic, Catalonia, 23 March 2021. [in Spanish]

Roles in professional associations

Vice-President of APTIS, Association of Programmes in Translation and Interpreting Studies in the UK and Ireland (2017-2021).

Corresponding Member of the RAG, Real Academia Galega (since 2017).

Vice-President of AIEG, International Association for Galician Studies (2012-2015); Secretary (2009-2012).


  • PhD in Translation Studies with International Doctorate Mention; PhD Extraordinary Prize (Universidade de Vigo, Spain, 2010)

  • MRes (Diploma of Advanced Studies) in Translation and Paratranslation (Universidade de Vigo, Spain, 2006)

  • BA (Licenciatura) in Translation and Interpreting (Universidade de Vigo, Spain, 2004)

  • BA (Licenciatura) in Journalism (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2002)


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Higher Education (Aston University, 2014)

  • Certificate in Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (Instituto Cervantes, Spain, 2010)

  • Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica, CAP (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 2007)

Advice and feedback hours:

I am not currently offering advice and feedback hours. However, I am still available on email.


I am not currently offering any teaching at Warwick.

Previous modules included:

Gender and Translation in the Hispanic World: Translating Women WritersLink opens in a new window