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Modelling using Cellular Automata

Simulations are a fantastic way to gain intuitive understanding of complex systems. They are used to describe, understand, and predict a system’s behaviour. In this workshop we will look at how Cellular Automata can be used in simulation and model the spread of a disease.

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Particle Systems

Particle systems can be used to model various irregular types of natural phenomena, such as fire, smoke, waterfalls, fog, grass, bubbles, and so on. In this workshop we will explore the basic principles and tools for simulating the motion of a particle and then look at doing this with lots of particles at the same time.

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Computational Snowflakes

In this festive workshop we will explore object orientated programming by creating snowflakes in p5.js, a simplified programming environment that uses JavaScript. By the end of the workshop, you will create many snowflakes of assorted sizes falling at different speeds.

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Flocking is a group animal behaviour that is characteristic of many living creatures. In this workshop we will create a particle system that follows 3 simple rules to behave like a flock.

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Robot Rescue

Line following is commonly used in robot navigation. In this workshop, you will be programming a Lego Spike robot (programmed using either a block-based language like Scratch, or Python) to follow a line, detect an obstacle and rescue an object from danger.

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Let's Go Exploring

Space robots have to navigate the surface of planets such as Mars and inform mission control when they find something interesting. In this workshop, you will be programming a Lego Spike robot (programmed using either a block-based language like Scratch, or Python) to explore the environment and announce when you find signs of water.

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Make Your Own Pet Bug

Computer Science can help us understand things better, for example it allows us to simulate a variety of phenomena and conduct many experiments which would be impossible or too expensive to do in real life. In this workshop, we will explore how simulation techniques can be used to understand how micro-organisms survive in the natural environment

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Text Generation with Markov Chains

In this workshop, students will work with text taken from sources such as Wikipedia articles, the words from novels, song lyrics, or a library of tweets to learn about Markov chains and how they can be used to generate original text that is in the same style as the input.

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Vectors and Forces

This workshop introduces you to some of the basic principles and tools for simulating motion. We will be using p5js (a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, and anyone else!).

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