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Resources for Personal Tutees

All the information is in our Personal Tutor Group team on Microsoft Teams.

Monitoring Points

  • Term 1 Week 1/2
  • Term 2 Week 1/2
  • Term 3 Week 1/2

As the start of each term, you will be able to book a one-on-one appointment

Self Isolation

  1. Read the university's guidance on self-isolation:
  2. If you are required to self-isolate, fill in this form and the relevant staff will be informed.

Attendance and Mitigating Circumstances

If something happens that you think will affect your grades (e.g illness/injury/self-isolation etc.) there's a process for recording these things.
Whether quarantining, self-isolating, or not even in the country, you should still be able to access your modules online. If it's not obvious from the module web-page or Moodle page, contact the module organiser directly.

Unusual Options

In theory it is possible to take any module offered by any Department as an ‘unusual’ option, provided any prerequisites have been met and the respective module organiser is in agreement. If you want to take an unusual option:
  1. get approval from the module organiser
  2. complete the unusual option form


Year 1 Term 1
Ensure students are aware with COVID-19 rules regarding self-isolation, consequences, test and trace. Discuss student’s experiences and any concerns.
Highlight the Dignity at Warwick Policy outlining expectations around behaviour of all members of the University to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion.
Ask if students have completed the Warwick Values Programme on Moodle and encourage to do so if not and ask if they have any questions.
Flag how students can raise concerns e.g. personal/senior tutor, SSLC, module leader, DUGS, Residential Life team, SU, Security, complaints process, Report + Support, Chaplaincy. Signpost to other services as required.
Enquire about how your tutee is finding online/blended learning and ensure they have access to the necessary IT equipment (some students may be eligible for Warwick IT Hardship Fund).
Flag key Departmental and university development resources e.g. academic writing support, academic integrity, getting the most out of the library, and Student Opportunity: Skills courses, to support tutee’s academic and personal development.
Encourage social connection via Sports, Student Society opportunities and volunteering.
Academically, check they are aware of different assessment methods, Warwick mark scheme, and Warwick expectations around attendance and preparation for seminars/labs.
Signpost Wellbeing/Disability Services if required.
Refer to in-sessional English support if necessary.
Year 1 Term 2

Talk through Academic progress.

Discuss feedback/feedforward on any assessments.

Encourage tutee to think ahead about summer plans: Voluntary work, Internships, Job opportunities advertised in vacancies on myadvantage

Check if any special examination arrangements are required, prior to Term 2 deadline – signpost Wellbeing/Disability Services if required.

Signpost to the Mitigating Circumstances procedure and how to submit on Tabula/MyWBS.

Talk through module choices.

Enquire about extra-curricular activities and any early thoughts about career – signpost Student Opportunity: Careers and any departmental careers provision.

Signpost to Warwick Accommodation for the following year.

Are there any Brexit-related issues affecting their studies/circumstances? Signpost to Warwick Brexit student advice.

Year 1 Term 3

Exam Revision support – check out Study Happy activities, Wellbeing and Student Opportunity: Skills resources.

Mention the University's Covid Mitigation Package (Links for Term 2 and Term 3) - easily apply for extensions, resits for core modules.

Signpost to the Mitigating Circumstances procedure on Tabula.

Talk about exams.

Read the DCS Guide to online assessment.

Check over your personalised exam timetable (via the AEP)

Discuss Summer vacation plans and signpost Warwick Accommodation (if needed) for next year.

Encourage tutee to think about how they will use their vacation: Voluntary work, Internships, Job opportunities advertised in vacancies on myadvantage


Monitoring Points:

  • Term 1 Week 1/2
  • Term 2 Week 1/2
  • Term 3 Week 1/2

Book one-on-one appointment

DCS Meeting Checklist