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C13 MCE joint staff training

The main purpose of C13 is to familiarise the partners with the latest version of the MCE, which has undergone significant refinements since the C7 meeting in December 2016. There will be further opportunities for dissemination to school teachers because of the participation of Angeliki Theodosi, a primary school teacher from Athens associated with the project through her links with Edumotiva, and the presence of a party of secondary school Greek teachers who have been attending Scifest to gain experience of educational robotics and physical computing. The meeting has added significance this year as UEF was not represented at the recent C16 learning and teaching activity held in Athens at the end of March. With that in mind, there are administrative matters to be discussed. The outline agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1. JS-Eden discussion

  • Review feedback from recent events including Scifest
  • Investigate the integration of Arduino and other physical devices with the MCE in an offline standalone app variant
  • Discuss the potential links between the MCE and the EU H2020 eCraft2Learn project (emails from Ken Kahn etc)

2. Making construals and school education

  • Presentations from Angeliki Theodosi on her primary school experience with physical computing case-studies
  • An update from Tapani Toivonen on the application of the MCE to live interactive data analyses in connection woth the eCraft2Learn project
  • A mini-conference session on Making Construals and teaching physical computing for twelve visiting Greek secondary school teachers.

3. Review the conference plans with reference to

4. Budget status and plans