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2pm - 10 minute intro to the project, and show video - Meurig, with group around his screen (not at their own computers yet).
Emphasise: this is a process of thinking as well as making. Take your time.
Explain format for afternoon.
Explain comment feature.
Display set of questions to help guide comments & activity.

2:15 - everyone log in and begin to work through ‘Making the solar system’ guided demo.

2:30 - participants do their own thing - including bug identification and general comments (from technical questions) using the comment tool. Experts on hand for questions and issues.

3:00 - ...‘own thing’ session continues. Observers join individual participants and observe, ask questions to encourage people to 'think aloud'. Observers take notes.

3:45 - group discussion. Discussion questions on powerpoint slide.

4pm - close - tell about the conference - give out posters.