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FoCS People


Sayan Bhattacharya Dynamic graph algorithms, data structures, online algorithms, streaming algorithms, algorithmic game theory
Dmitry Chistikov Automata and formal languages, verification, discrete mathematics
Graham Cormode Algorithms, databases, data streaming, big data, data science
Artur Czumaj (Head) Randomized and approximation algorithms, algorithmic game theory
Alex Dixon Automata theory, teaching the fundamentals of computer science
Charilaos Efthymiou Intersection of theory of algorithms, discrete mathematics, and statistical physics
Matthias Englert Online algorithms, approximation algorithms
Christian Ikenmeyer Computational complexity theory, tensor rank, computational representation theory, algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry
Marcin Jurdziński Algorithms, games, automata, logic
Dan Král' Graph theory, discrete mathematics, combinatorics
Ranko Lazic (Deputy) Theoretical computer science, machine learning
Torsten Mütze Graph theory, combinatorics, discrete algorithms, and their applications to real-world problems
Igor Carboni Oliveira Computational complexity theory and its connections to algorithms, combinatorics, and mathematical logic
Mike Paterson Combinatorial algorithms and complexity
Nick Spooner Interactive proof systems and zero knowledge in general, post-quantum cryptography, quantum information, coding theory and computational complexity
Ramanujan Sridharan Algorithms and complexity, fixed-parameter and approximation algorithms with a focus on graph and constraint satisfaction problems

Affiliated Faculty

Matthias C. Caro Quantum information theory and machine learning theory (joining in Fall/2024)
Fanghui Liu Mathematical foundations of machine learning
Sergii Strelchuk Quantum computation and quantum Information


Naveen Garg Design and analysis of algorithms, combinatorial optimisation, graph theory

Research Fellows

Václav Blažej Algorithms
Zhenjian Lu Computational complexity
Ian Mertz Computational complexity
Gopinath Mishra Algorithms
Anish Mukherjee Algorithms
Ninad Rajgopal Computational complexity
Sarah Selkirk Combinatorics, automata and formal languages
FoCS Group June 2023
FoCS Group May 2022
FoCS Group November 2019
FoCS Group May 2022

Research Students

Nastaran Behrooznia Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science
Ari Biswas Differential privacy, probabilistic proof systems
Matthew Bowditch Machine learning
Andrei Codreanu Machine learning, theoretical computer science
Sam Coy Algorithms
Martin Costa Algorithms
Jacques Dark Streaming algorithms
Charlie Dickens Summaries and randomised algorithms for fundamental matrix computations and related problems
Chris Hickey Verification of data analysis algorithms
Peter Kiss Algorithms
Namrata Algorithms, complexity and discrete mathematics
Jack O'Connor Quantum computing and learning theory
Bruno Pasqualotto Cavalar Computational complexity and combinatorics
Aditya Prakash Algorithms for automata and games
Neha Rino Verification, automata and complexity
Mary Scott Differential privacy
Henry Sinclair-Banks Automata, complexity, and logic
Peter Strulo Fixed-parameter algorithms
Dimitrios Tsintsilidas Computational complexity

Some new positions are available through the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP).

Former Members